@rrhoover I never feel like it's about seeing celebrities. I want celebrities to SEE ME. I have the same personal goals as any brand: I want awareness and affinity if I can get it. I want celebs to know I exist, and if possible, affirm something about me or agree with me or validate me in any small way. To me, this "innovation" works in reverse. A better use of Lester's time is to take short video calls with fans.
@nrose@rrhoover this is a really interesting insight. I think @ryanleslie is approaching it more like you're suggesting and it's working well. If celebrities want to create lifelong fans/customers they MUST acknowledge their fans existence, dreams, hopes, fears...
I feel most people use Facebook to see friends and "check in" not sure if I am interested in hanging out to watch celebs talk about stuff, feel like a separate platform. Surprised Facebook did not jump on the live video bandwagon sooner, they usually copy something working well, then the FB copy dies a few months later lol. but hey looks cool no the less.
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