Automations Marketplace is your one-stop shop to improve your team’s engineering efficiency. With very little time investment, you can choose one of Sleuth’s pre-built, no-code automations, and install and configure it with just a few clicks.
Hey all! I’m a co-founder and the CEO here at Sleuth. We’re excited to launch our Automations Marketplace today on Product Hunt!
Sleuth makes improving engineering efficiency easy and continuous. The most powerful way to do that is with automation. We’ve build a bunch of engineering best-practices into no-code automations that you can install via a single click from our Marketplace. These will help your teams drive improvements across their entire engineering tech stack.
We built this to give software teams the capabilities they’ve always wanted, but that are often too much lift to invest in. We see four key categories of these capabilities – guardrails, notifications, actions, and workflows.
We’d love for you to check them all out in our Marketplace and let us know what feedback you have.
We’ll be here responding to comments and questions all day! Thanks in advance for checking out Automations Marketplace.
Congratulations to Sleuth on the launch of the Automation Marketplace🔥
Your product simplifies the process by automating without programming.🚀 Thank you for providing features that were previously very cumbersome to implement!
@antonikozelski thank you. We will be pushing out new automations every week so keep an eye on any new ones. If you have any that you would like to see please reach out with suggestions, we love feedback!
I'm a huge fan of automations in general and have always wondered just how effective such automations are for engineers. Would you say these work better for certain size teams and depending on what stage the company is at?
@saba_b I think these automations, though some more than others, would be useful for teams of any size. The automations can be installed per team or per project/repository, so something like notifying Slack on a blocker issue, that is useful for anyone. I've found larger companies actually may gain more value as things are more locked down, meaning a developer can't easily spin up a new service or even GitHub action to do something, so a tool that provides it in one click can be a big time saver.
Interesting. How does Sleuth ensure that the automations provided in the Marketplace align with various engineering tech stacks, considering the diversity of technologies used by different teams?
@kendrick_paulsen Integrating with different tools is kind of a core feature of Sleuth, given it already does this to support tracking work in progress and deployments to deliver DORA metrics. There are also options to "push" data into Sleuth via webhooks, allowing a team to integrate just about any change or impact source into Sleuth, and therefore, into these automations.
Everyone's thinking "how can I take what's working for my best teams, systematize that, and use it to help others?"
This is really cool, we can essentially codify the best-practices that make the highest performing teams great, and propagate those out as automations and guardrails to drive better and more consistent practice for all.
And as a result, you get more time for feature work because you're dealing less with friction and context-switching.
I don't know a developer who wouldn't love that!
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