Paul Betts

Slack for Mac - A new, improved Slack desktop app for Mac

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Paul Betts
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Hi Product Hunters, I'm Paul Betts, the lead developer of the Slack Desktop application. We're very excited to launch our new Mac application - it's faster, has a great new frameless look, and has a lot of under-the-hood improvements that, put together, make for a better experience with Slack From the technical side, this now brings together Slack on all three platforms - our Mac, Windows, and Linux application are now one great Electron application, built with the latest technologies such as React and RxJS v5. We've written a bit more about how the Slack app works over at We'll be around all day answering questions about the app or about Slack, we'd love to hear what you think!
Ouriel Ohayon
@paulcbetts i have been tested a beta version of slack lately which was already faster. is that any different?
Paul Betts
Top Product
@ourielohayon The Beta app you've been testing is in preparation for this release - folks on the beta will be updated automatically to 2.3.0
Dave Cutler
@paulcbetts @ourielohayon I had the same question as Ouriel. Should we remain on the beta for future updates, or revert back to the normal app?
Paul Betts
Top Product
@cutlerdave @ourielohayon Nope! Everyone on the beta is seamlessly migrated to the latest version, no need for a separate download (we actually shipped the final bits to beta users on last Friday)
Nami Sung
Top Product
@cutlerdave @paulcbetts @ourielohayon Hi! You can stay on the beta. You'll automatically receive new builds of the Slack app before they become public.
Ryan Hoover
I think at least half the Product Hunt community uses Slack. Slack is built for single teams, yet people are using it with their friends, family, and small communities. Switching teams is still a major pain. Any plans to make this easier, @paulcbetts?
Paul Betts
Top Product
@rrhoover Hey Ryan, Is switching teams painful because of performance? Or because you have to log in to more than one of them?
Anže Jenšterle
@paulcbetts @rrhoover at least for me its logging in seperately (at least the ones without SAML/GApps). I have a school team, club teams and as a freelancer a lot of client teams. For me simply logging in once would be much easier.
Emil Stahl
@rrhoover Pain? Login once and then just CMD+1, CMD+2 etc?
Alex Circei
@paulcbetts @rrhoover In my opinion, it is very hard because you need to log in all the time with the same username (email) for each team and I don't understand why I need to log in again on the desktop when I'm already log in on my mobile.
jeremy carson
@paulcbetts separate logins for different teams is so wonky and clunky (technically speaking). would be cleaner to have one account that is given access to the different teams.
Chiefus Baltar
I love slack but it needs threaded convos soooo baaadd!
Paul Betts
Top Product
@tehsuck We Think That's Cool Too :)
Tierney Cyren
I would love to know more about the team's experience with Electron for this release. I know Slack has been listed on the Electron Apps list for a long time (since the beginning?) - you mention that all the apps are now *one* Electron app. Curious to know the backstory to that, and what the differences are now.
Paul Betts
Top Product
@bitandbang We write about this a bit on our blog over at - basically at the time the original Slack app for Mac was written, Electron didn't exist! Slack was actually the first production app outside of Atom to use Electron (in fact, the very first internal releases of Slack for Windows were called "atom.exe" because you couldn't rename the executable without breaking it). Node modules make it fairly easy to load per-platform code, so we're able to integrate with the platform, imho this is the thing that makes Electron different from other platforms like Phonegap - if you hit the edges of what Phonegap provides, you're stuck - with Electron, you've always got an escape hatch if you're willing to write enough C++ :)
Goktug Yilmaz
Whats the difference between the old laggy slack mac app I got?
Paul Betts
Top Product
@esqarrouth It's now neither old nor laggy!
Goktug Yilmaz
@paulcbetts So should I uninstall the old one and install this one?
Josh Puetz
I just love Slack so much ❤️
Excited to see new developments as Slack becomes the way lots of people communicate. If you are, like me, signed into 11+ teams, there seems to be no way to navigate to all of them. The "quick switcher" only allows to switch to different channels within the team, and there's no way to scroll down to teams that aren't visible in the desktop app.
Nami Sung
Top Product
@laurex Hi Laure - if you're into keyboard shortcuts, you can use CMD+1, CMD+2, CMD+3, etc to nav between teams.
Paul Betts
Top Product
@laurex In the new app, the team switcher is scrollable, give it a try!
@nami How does that work for teams 10-19? :)
Jon Adair
@paulcbetts @laurex This was the first thing I noticed on the beta. Had just run out of room for teams when the beta hit. Scrolling is awesome!
Joshua Dance
@paulcbetts Love the look, don't love the missing menu bar. How do I move the window around? The profile menu pops up when I grab it above that area, and the text gets selected when I move it above the chat area. Is there a better way to move the Slack window around? Problem ->
Paul Betts
Top Product
@joshdance Hm, we'll try to make this better!
Ernest Oppetit
Happy to see this guy come out of beta! great job
Daniel Alm
Great update! However, with the old version I could use the Accessibility API to track the currently active team and channel for my app Timing ( Seems like the Accessibility API is disabled in the new version. Any plans to change that?
Paul Betts
Top Product
@daniel_a_a Accessibility is enabled only if Voiceover is enabled, because enabling it hurts performance. We'll look into changing this in the future, but we'd probably rather create a real API for this instead of having people have to hack their way in
Mario Gomez-Hall
Love the speed of this new one -- been on the beta for a little and it's been awesome. One idea I wish you guys would implement - automatically sign in to all my teams across all my devices. E.g. have one master account and then when I log into a new team on desktop, mirror that change on mobile so I can hit the ground running. I don't like having to "join" teams on every device. Excellent work and i'm excited for the future. Oh, and add video calls asap, please :)
Paul Betts
Top Product
@nadomars We definitely hear the feedback we're getting around logging into >1 team with the same identity. This gets a little more tricky when you think about the edge cases though - for example, which of the N team admins gets to set things like password policy or requiring 2FA for your single identity? Anyways, we definitely sympathize with The Problem and we'll do our best to come up with a good solution
Matt Nicolae
@paulcbetts @nadomars You guys should go the route of a slack specific username login. Each team could still have company specific email logins, but it can be tied to the slack username. I may be off because I'm lying in bed and I don't dev anything..
Tobyn Sowden
Yep, this is a great release. Impressed with the number of open source libraries that Slack has contributed.
Patrick Thompson
Nice update. Thanks for the hard work.
Troy Osinoff
Random question for @paulcbetts, do you guys have any plans for a native team signup page I can send to people with a link to join a slack channel? (Rather than an email invite) (Assuming this doesn't exist yet and i overlooked it) It would be most helpful for growing niche slack communities.)
Paul Betts
Top Product
@yo I'm not sure about this, but I think that a lot of people use slackin for this
Veli Bahçeci

When I use the platform for my mac, it makes other applications to slow. It is taking most the capacity of ram!


One platform for slack


Very slow, eating the ram!

Nate Smoyer
Hey @paulcbetts, I love Slack! I used it at work for BuySellAds and with friends for daily banter and entertainment. Question: have y'all thought about building a way for streaming live video in Slack channels? This could come in handy for presentations, demos, or just watching Monday Night Football with friends? Cheers!
Paul Betts
Top Product
@natesmoyer Cool idea! I think YouTube Live Video _should_ work, but it's definitely an interesting concept
mahoney turnbull
LOVE it Felix. beta - better - bitter?
Konrad Kosmala
@paulcbetts I've downloaded the desktop version for Mac on the App Store, yet it doesn't have the frameless look you mentioned. Any thoughts?
Varun Yellina
@paulcbetts New app has ui issues on macOS sierra when using the voice call feature. Especially when moving away from the call tab.
Now if they would allow Apple Watch channel reply all would be perfect....