Chris Messina

Slack 4.0 - A snappier, more efficient Slack desktop experience

Top Hunter

The latest version of our desktop app provides a smoother, faster experience for all. Some notable changes include faster loading times, better overall performance and the ability to work offline.

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Stanislav Dimitrov
Where is the dark mode... It has been years since we've asked for it :(
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
What’s new • Limited offline support — set your status, star items, and react to messages when you don’t have an internet connection • Less memory usage, better performance • Faster loading times • Improved Slack calls Other notable updates • Click the new  paperclip icon in the message field to add attachments • A redesigned autocomplete menu for @mentions and slash commands • No more loading messages — Slack loads too quickly for them to be readable • Visual improvements to the activity view, Quick Switcher, and channel sidebar • Unread message activity displays as a dot on the top-right of your workspace icon • Member profiles have a bigger profile image and include the option to message or call the individual • Drafts sync across Enterprise Grid workspaces
Kiko Beats
The website is confuse. Why not point to an Official Slack download site?
Going by the article, you can't download this version from official site yet. Official site still holds the old slower version. You will be updated automatically in the next few weeks if you are running Slack desktop. The website is for Linux version of Slack.
The release notes for the Slack 4.0 is available at and download at What's the point of Snapcraft here?
Chris Elliott
Totally notice the difference... much faster and smoother standup this morning... good job Slack! Now where my Darkmode at? 😁
Liam Boogar
Dharmesh Shah
Congrats on the new launch, @stewart. Love seeing founders as makers on Product Hunt. I think the offline mode will be particularly useful (especially on long flights). And, as silly as it sounds, bigger member profile images will be a welcome change as well. As teams get bigger, it's helpful to actually get a sense for what somebody looks like in case you see them IRL.
Top Product is the best hub to download all the various versions of Slack 🙌
Kyle Hudson
Strange the "website" link here is Would think with an auto-detection of platform would have been a better call for the top button.
Nik Kotov
Awesome. Feeling a difference already.
Sam Olson
The ability to work offline is nice, that was something I missed, since my Internet isn't the most reliable.
Gabriel Lewis
I'm hoping that slack will adapt their iPad app into a Mac app using Project Catalyst.
Been a longtime fan of Slack. Every update seems to make it slightly better, as well.
Miguel Amador
Is this also available for the web version? Use it under Wavebox and is not clear the differences, as it seems to show similar improvements across both the app and the web version.
Top Product
@themiguelamador Yes, it's the web browser version too. You'll see in your URL when going to your Workspace
Is this why the url changed recently? It never used to say 'app' before.
Dwayne Charrington
It definitely feels snappier, nice one. However, still no dark mode and most annoyingly of all: no single sign-on for all teams. I am a member of a tonne of Slack teams, it's annoying having to have separate logins for them. Why can't we have one login for all teams? Seems to make sense to me. Still, Microsoft Teams is a superior product to Slack. The more people realise Teams is so much nicer to use, the better. The ship has sailed for Slack if I am being honest.
Paul Comba
This is awesome congrats guys
Craig Weebler
A new smoother and faster version @ Still runs on electron
R. Fancsiki
It is faster, yes, finally. To be honest it was annoying how slowly it started the app or a call. Should have been fast from the start. There is a problem still, with the calls, when there is a drop in internet connection just for a second, the call can't recover. Because of this there are times when I have to use Skype to do the calls. Skype call recovers very well even if the connection drops on either side of the call. As soon as the internet is back the call continues. Also the sound is much better on Skype.
Vitaliy Neskuba