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Angela Molina

Designing UX: Prototyping — Communicate and Test Design Ideas Through Prototyping

Angela Molina
Hey Hunters! Working on a project can be great, since it’s an exciting time to think and collate plenty of new product ideas and creative designs. But the big question is: with all of the ideas you build as a team, which idea will prove the most beneficial to your product? Prototyping can sometimes be forgotten, neglected or simply left incomplete because you don't know what to do next. This book by @bouncingdan and @bencoleman goes through and explains why you should prototype your product before development and the many different techniques of how to efficiently work through the prototyping stages.
Daniel Graziano
Rocking 👊 Can't believe we're giving this away completely free. SO much good stuff in this book, probably the best title on prototyping floating around right now!