Paul Burke

Wordle but on Microsoft Excel - Your favorite word game in your favorite spreadsheet

Wordle 🔠 is electrifying the world.

And now you can play on Microsoft Excel for Free!

Same fun style you're used to only with Excel-specific features.

📊 Charts for Analyzing Win/Loss & other Stats
🎚 Dynamic Slicers for Segmenting Stats

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Paul Burke
Hello Hunters! Wordle is an amazing 5-letter game taking the world by storm. ⚡ As odd as it may seems, many of us love Excel and spreadsheets enough to use it for more than crunching data and building reports. Introducing Wordle for Excel. 🔠 The same Wordle you love, but with Excel-specific features including... 📊 Graphs to showcase your W/L stats, letter guess stats and more 🎚 Dynamic slicers to filter and segment by player and date 🏆 Stats for multiple users are recorded for team and competitive battles This template makes it easy to share with friends and colleagues. In a remote world, it's more important than ever we find little ways to connect with our colleagues. Recording your Wordle scores and creating challenges ensures your team is having fun and letting their competitive juices flow. This template is completely free! If you're looking for more professional ways to use your spreadsheets, check out!
Dragos Bulugean
@pburke24 Should I get the template from this page? I want to give it a try.
Paul Burke
@dragos_bulugean Oops, broken link - use this one!