Michael Seibel

SigmaOS 1.0 - The Browser that thinks like you ✨

SigmaOS makes you fast and focused when you’re working on the web:
🗂️ Workspaces – organize your tabs like a to-do list
✂️ Split Screen – work on two pages at once
🎮 Multiplayer – co-browse with teammates and friends

No waitlist BS, download now!

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Hey Product Hunt 👋 @mahyad , @aliatttar , @sauravmitra here – we’re back for another launch! SigmaOS is the browser that makes you FAST and FOCUSED when you’re working on the web. A year ago, we released SigmaOS Beta on Product Hunt and were blown away by the overwhelming love from the community. Today, we’re excited to launch SigmaOS 1.0 😻 Of course, SigmaOS still comes with the beloved WORKSPACES to organize your tabs like a to-do list, SPLIT SCREEN to work on two tabs at once, and the fan favorite LAZY SEARCH to find anything in your browser. So what’s new in 1.0? 🧩 Chrome Extensions Don’t lose your setup. Bring along your favorite Chrome extensions to SigmaOS. 🛑 Ad-blocking Browse the internet without annoying ads with SigmaOS’ built-in ad-blocker. 🍪 Profiles (separate cookies) Use separate logins in different workspaces – no more switching between your google accounts. 🔁 Auto-sync Just login to your SigmaOS account on any Mac and resume your work with the exact same browser session. 🔐 Password managers Use your favorite password manager on SigmaOS – 1Password, iCloud Keychain, LastPass, Dashlane…! ✨ New design: Magic Mode Be fully immersed and truly focused while working on your web-apps. 🎮 Co-browsing Share a workspace with teammates and friends to browse the web together. 🚀 No waitlist BS – get started now! No need to sign up and wait. If you are on macOS, download now and get started! Have a blast! 👌
Jeff Reckseidler
@mahyad @aliatttar @sauravmitra - Congrats on the launch and release of 1.0. I've been using SigmaOS for just short of a year and it has completely changed how I approach my workflow. Split screen, lazy search and workspaces make me crazy efficient and in fact - make me excited to sit at my Mac again.
@aliatttar @sauravmitra @jreckseidler Thank you so much, really appreciate all your support so far
Tara Mahboub
@mahyad @aliatttar @sauravmitra congrats guys! looks incredible!
Pankaj Gupta
@mahyad @aliatttar @sauravmitra Hi Team, Congrats on the launch. It is amazing to see the bold shift SigmaOS is taking from standard browser and making it Productivity focussed. Love the product!!
Savian Boroanca
@mahyad @aliatttar @sauravmitra, impressive work. Congrats to the entire team. With @mwseibel by your side, you can only go upwards. Godspeed! 🚀
Anton Efremov
Wow, co-browsing is awesome, really like this one! Congrats on launch!
@schurf Well use it and let us know how it is :)
Anastasia Ryb
Wow! I use different browsers for all my purposes so I don't get confused, and I think Sigma is perfect for my work tasks. Want to give it a try! :) By the way, is there an option to disable the ad blocker? I know it's weird, but I need to see all this ad stuff 👀
Ali Attar
@anne_ryb Yes! You can disable the ad-blocker, and you can even turn it off on a website-specific level.
@anne_ryb [⌘ + k] and search “adblocker”, or right click and select “Settings for (website)” to turn it off for that site specifically :3
Max Bach
Cool idea! Definitely I wanna try this. Do you have plans for mobile?
@mbachinskiy iOS and iPadOS are next 👀
Tem Nugmanov
I had the immense pleasure of meeting the SigmaOS team through a Notion event in London and DAMN — these folks are incredible. I'm very excited about this launch and the company's future! I've been a paying user for over a year and as a productivity nerd, I'm happy to report that Sigma OS is a really really good browser. Especially, for someone like me, who works inside Notion, Slack, Miro, and Figma all day every day. A few other tools browser tried to bring workspaces to the browser, but Sigma OS really nailed the design and user experience. And now CO-BROWSING. The idea of collaborative browsing is super duper cool — can't wait to give this a try with my team!
Saurav Mitra
@temirlan Thanks a bunch Tem! Let us know what you think of the co-browsing :D
@temirlan Glad you are enjoying SigmaOS, and happy to have you back 🤩
Huy Doan
Hey, I like the browse UI. How about the loading speed compared to other existing ones like Chrome. Also does it only work with app or user could also enter URL there? And my last question will be the data privacy as all my password and account will be saved there.
Ali Attar
@huy_doan_quang Glad you like it!! Loading should be significantly better than Chrome's, because we use WebKit (try running a speed test on browserbench.org). You can enter URLs – SigmaOS is a full browser, not just some web-app launcher. Passwords are all saved on Apple Keychain by default, so just as good as Safari 😉
Huy Doan
@aliatttar that sounds good! Will take my time to try it out later. D you also publish the product roadmap for the next few months?
Ali Attar
@huy_doan_quang iPadOS/iOS soon? 👀 Join our slack community to keep up to date with what we are working on and be a part of that process https://sigmaos.com/community
Fabrice Le Blanc
Workspaces feature looks great! Congrats on the launch!
@bpavel Thank you for the support!
Saurav Mitra
@bpavel Thank you!
Alexander Dragan
My work with browser is a real pain — a few hundred of tabs opened at the same time, work tabs messed up with the personal, impossibility to organize this chaos. I tried to solve this, but I haven't found yet any helpful tools for it. And now I see the Sigma OS! It looks like really what I needed all this time! And co-browsing (really killing feature!)! Wow, that is really the product that I have to try. Congrats on the launch!
@alexander_dragan Glad you find SigmaOS useful, and appreciate the support
Tara Mahboub
Best productivity tool out there! Everyone needs to be using this. The lazy search is a godsend, the shortcuts are incredible, cant wait to dig into the new version with the coworking! Congrats on the launch guys! Keep up the amazing work!
@tara_everypet Thank you so so much, for all your support and all the amazing feedbacks 🙏🏼
Saurav Mitra
@tara_everypet Love the energy! Thanks a lot 😄
Ali Abdaal
Been using this for a few weeks now and honestly, Sigma’s the best browser I’ve ever used. I didn’t know what I was missing with Chrome until I switched to Sigma. My tabs are beautifully organised into workspaces, I save so much time with the keyboard shortcuts and ease of navigation, and it's just really aesthetically nice to work with. Sick work!
@sepharoth I am so glad SigmaOS is working out for you so well, and really appreciate your support 🙏🏼
Jakub Sarnowski
I'm curious: as Chrome extensions are now available, did the engine of the browser change? I tried SigmaOS as a developer and unfortunately had to drop it because the lack of Chromium-based DevTools 🤔
@kuba_sarnowski Chrome extensions are available now on SigmaOS, you can add them directly from the Chrome store :) and the engine is still WebKit for optimal performance :)
Jakub Sarnowski
@mahyad Uh, sorry, I meant `now available` not `not available` 😅 Thank you for your answer! The browser is really an amazing experience to use 😃
Imran Esmail
@kuba_sarnowski @mahyad Wondering why the rendering of extensions is off and it shows half screen vertically.
Vinod Yadav
congrats guys!
@vinod_yadav5 Thank you 🙏🏼
Dan Borel
Amazing logo! It will be interesting to try the functionality
Saurav Mitra
@danone Thanks a lot! Let us know what you think 😊
Adrian Steriopol
Sounds great! Gonna give it a try Congrats on the launch 🚀
Ali Attar
@adrian14 Thank you!!! Bring on the feedback!
Mihai Sluser
@mihai_sluser Thanks :)
Using the browser for a few weeks now, its really changed my perceiption on tab management with the focus on workspaces. And, god, finally a great browser that ALSO supports native mac PiP.. keep up your great work @mayhad @aliattar @sauravmitra!
Saurav Mitra
@mayhad @aliattar @kniffler Thanks for the awesome encouragement, Benjamin! :D
Ziv Reichert
Big congrats on the launch guys!!
Saurav Mitra
@zivreichert Thanks! 😊
@zivreichert Really appreciate the support :)
Maria Mikhailova
Sounds really cool!