Just discovered that you support RSS...not sure if the first version did, but I instantly subscribed π
@sachagreif quick tip: Use a service like http://realfavicongenerator.net/ to create all kinds of favicons from your vectorized logos. They also create assets, which are used by mobile devices for homescreen icons :)
Right now it looks like this:
Great job @sachagreif. Been a fan for a long time and I love the new design. If you guys can't make it to the site daily, definitely check out the newsletter.
@sachagreif Im working on this: http://news.studioblockchain.com/ was thinking i could send a newsletter for the best Blockchain links, but i think i can use a template newsletter.
@sachagreif Awesome revamp! One thing though, please add `#hero { transform: translateZ(0); }` to put the fixed part on a new layer and prevent the continuous repainting that is janking the scroll.