@dawid_andrzejewski has built a really great product and provides great customer support!
A little story:
I had been paying $15/month for Shuffle.dev for 7 months or so, mainly for the Tailwind Builder, and I enjoyed using it. Unfortunately, PayPal's webhooks failed for some reason, so I was locked out of my account because of a lack of payment, even though PayPal had charged me.
I sent a rather strongly worded email to Dawid, who was listed as the support email on the PayPal transaction, and he responded very graciously, granting me a lifetime license for the inconvenience. The shuffle.dev team is very good, and I'm impressed with the speed of their updates.
I'm also really excited about this "Metis" UI and the VS Code extension! Looks like this will give Tailwind UI a run for its money, and make coding using Tailwind Builder much, much easier.
We built https://assembl.net using Tailwind Builder, if you want a demo of how it can work "in real life".
Awesome stuff, and thanks once again @dawid_andrzejewski!
?makers On your site you advertise with "tailwind ui integration". As their current license doesn't allow integration in web builders, I'm curious how you manage this, without violating their license.
@smeijer You need to download components to your hard drive and then upload them again into our editor as a ZIP archive.
The components are just HTML files.
I think you're thinking about a different use case. As a web-builder-author, you want to purchase a single license and give all your users all components for free (or not)? That's prohibited, for sure.
In our use case, the user must purchase a Tailwind UI license, download all components to the hard drive, and upload them to our editor.
When we migrate to Shuffle, we allow uploading any UI library. It just needs to be in a ZIP archive, divided into category-directories and a single component per HTML file.
@smeijer@dawid_andrzejewski nice! That makes a lot of sense. Your landing page made it sound like that step isn't required. We do something similar with https://updrafts.app. The user can just paste HTML with Tailwind css classnames, and we turn it into a draggable updrafts component. So it doesn't matter if it's TailwindUI, Custom code, or another library. It just works :)
@andrefuchs We will not create new editors (on new domains), but we will support Vue and Vuetify in the near feature. We're working on merging all our editors into one product: Shuffle, and this editor will support Vue/Vuetify.
Hey đź‘‹
We launched the first version of Tailwind Builder exactly one year ago!
Today, we're releasing a few significant novelties related to the 2.0 version.
Disclaimer: We're not related to Tailwind Labs, meaning the developers of the Tailwind CSS framework. At Shuffle, we don't focus on one technology only, and our editors work well in a few of those!
Here's what's new in Tailwind Builder 2.0:
👉 Tailwind CSS 2.0 has been the basic version of the CSS framework for a few days now! Obviously!
👉 We've added a new Tailwind theme: Metis Shuffle. It includes more than 100 new UI components.
👉 We've made an extension for Visual Studio Code available, which makes it possible to use our components in that editor! It's a good solution if you want to finish your project outside of an online editor.
I invite you to watch the short video attached above. In it, I'm presenting the new component library, the editor settings, as well as (at the end) how the Visual Studio Code plugin works.
PS1. You don't need to set up an account to use the demo, so I also encourage you to try that!
PS2. If you're using any of our editors (you'll find the list below), you don't have to set up an account in this one. You can log in using the same login details.
Shuffle editors:
* Tailwind Builder for Tailwind CSS.
* Bootstrap Shuffle for Bootstrap and Material Design for Bootstrap.
* Material-UI Builder for Material-UI, a React component library.
* Bulma Builder for Bulma CSS.
To make communication more comfortable, we'll combine them in one product - Shuffle - over the coming weeks. You don't have to worry, we'll transfer all of the accounts and projects!
Thanks for reading. Any feedback is welcome.
Thank you 🙌
Congrats on the 2.0 launch. Purchased it a year back and you've made it super easy to get started with tailwind (and also bulma or bootstrap). Been using it for a few projects and couple of days back noticed that you have updated it for Tailwind 2.0 (Yay!)
Edit: Just tried the VS Code extension. It's fantastic.
Hello Dawid! Thanks for this great tool, it saved us tons of tons of times. Like it was made it for me :)
I have a question about it: I want to add more icons on footer; which icon set you used ?
I am grateful for your help.
@michaeldeboey93 Hey Michaël, I just learned about Stephan's solution, so I don't have the best overview, sorry. I would recommend you try a demo of both solutions and choose the one that best fits your workflow. You don't need to create an account to try our editor, that's the difference for sure:)
I've been using Tailwind CSS, Tailwind Builder & TailwindUI (TailwindUI works just great with Pinegrow) but I'm yet to be able to get TailwindUI to integrate with Tailwind Builder. Is there any way that we can get a video walkthrough of how to hook the two together (Tailwind Builder & TailwindUI) because I'm lost. That aside 2.0 is looking pretty damned HOT! 🔥
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