Ozgur Ozer

Shuffle for Bootstrap - Bootstrap builder for busy developers

Bootstrap Shuffle is a tool to help developers ship faultless projects on time, within a presumed budget and without stress. It maximally accelerates the initial stages of the project so that you have more time and can focus on perfecting the details.

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Dawid Andrzejewski
Hi! I’m Founder and CEO at Bootstrap Shuffle. After 11 years of work in web-development, I have learned that there will always not be enough time for a perfect completion of a project. That’s why we have created Bootstrap Shuffle. It maximally accelerates the initial stages of the project so that you have more time and can focus on perfecting the details! Any feedback is welcome!
@dawid_andrzejewski Kudo for the very awesome work! The pricing is just a fraction of what WIX and the likes charge.
San Kumar
Great idea and execution! I like your site design and demo. Here is some feedback: 1) I couldn't get the HTML source code. It just downloads a zip file with lots of files and dirs. It would be easier for me if I could just get the shortest copy-paste HTML code for the page. 2) The preview for the paid components are hidden. You need to either make a preview button alongside the "Get access" button. This may improve your conversions since right now it's hard to see what i'm getting. Good luck with the launch! 😄
Dawid Andrzejewski
@bhatnagar_san thank you for your feedback! As I explained in the comments on Hacker News we are developing this tool in order to speed up the work of the programmers who, in my experience, prefer to implement the final modifications in their favourite IDEs anyway. The objective of Bootstrap Shuffle is to cut the time spent on the initial stages of a project while perfecting the details is moved to IDE.  This is the reason why you’re exporting sources and not dist files (html, css). But.. I was wrong 😃 As I commented later on HN, we will add HTM/CSS export in the next week, after our nearest major release!
Dawid Andrzejewski
Update: Compiled HTML/CSS files are now in public/ directory, so there is no need to compile exported project by yourself.
San Kumar

First of all the cons are not really cons but just feedback for the author. It's a great product and it can save a lot of time for web development.


Very easy to use

Can save a lot of time

Nice clean design

Good clear pricing


No way to export HTML for page (copy-paste code).

No preview for paid components

Dawid Andrzejewski
@bhatnagar_san we've just released an update where compiled HTML/CSS files are in public/ directory. So there is no need to compile exported project by yourself. What do yo think?
Looks great, I will surely consider for my next project. All that I can ask for is direct export into React bootstrap UI, that will save a lot of my time.
Dawid Andrzejewski
@prakis this is popular request and we are considering to develop such kind of export!
Daniil Okhlopkov
Is there a way to export html with generated code? If yes, I'd very like to use your tool for my per projects!
Dawid Andrzejewski
@okhlopkov in the current version you can export sources and you have to build it with npm. As mentioned in the comment above, we're working on HTML export too. Read my comment if you're interested in why such an inconvenience.
Dawid Andrzejewski
Update: Compiled HTML/CSS files are now in public/ directory, so there is no need to compile exported project by yourself.
ping yao
Great product! I am in China, I can use google, twitter through vpn, but I found that I can't use paypal, so, can you let your product support China's Alipay or WeChat payment, or credit card payment?
Dawid Andrzejewski
@yaoping I've just received notification from PayPal "YAO PING just sent you money with PayPal. To help protect you, we're reviewing this payment. The Payment Review may take up to 24 hours." Sorry for this inconvenience! I've just activated your full account and because I'm impressed by your determination I will send you refund 😃
ping yao
@dawid_andrzejewski thank you very much! Yesterday I did try many times. Finally, I gave up the paypal account registered 10 years ago, registered a new paypal account, and changed another VPN, and finally I can pay. You don't have to refund, this is a good product and it is worth paying for.
Szymon Korytnicki
Great idea and very nice execution. UI is so smooth! Well done, Dawid!
Dawid Andrzejewski
@szymon_korytnicki Thank you for your kind words!
Ariel Wywykoski
Wow! This is sooo good! I keep my fingers crossed and well done Dawid :-)
Would love to see someday this kind of tool but for your "own CSS components library/framework". Not a Bootstrap or React specific tool.
Lena Sargsyan
Harry Henien
Wendy Dean
It's clean, easy to use. I am a fan!
Dawid Andrzejewski
@wendyde03942462 Thank you! We do our best 😄
Well done!
ping yao
hi, I'd like to ask that how to RESET all variables to Bootstrap's default scss variables in the Styles editor? thank you for your works ! ...and one more thing, are there any bootstrapshuffle's users online community like forum or chatting?
ping yao
sorry, I just found a bug(?), when I tried to modify dropdown menu's box shadow style, I changed the shadow color to 'rgba($red,.275)' and the computed result was '0 0.5rem 1rem rgba(0,0,0,0.15) !important',,,and then after compiled, the webpage's css was 'box-shadow:0 0.5rem 1rdd rgba(0,0,0,0.15) !important', what's the "1rdd" means( it should be 1rem) ?
Dawid Andrzejewski
@yaoping Sorry, I didn't get a notification about your comment. We don't have a community yet. If you need assistance, the best way is to use live chat or support email! I'll write an e-mail to you :)
Vadym Syliava
Thanks! It is a really simple tool with a clear design.
Sean O
Very nice! Now, let's see one for Bulma & Vue.js! ;)
Zill Facon
It's awesome. really save a great amount of time. Before that, I was using Mobirise bootstrap builder. It has the same principals but the interface is not that useful. The design is quite interesting. The main disadvantage for me is that I can't use preview in Shuffle.
Tuhin Bhuiyan
Can you use this tool as localhost? Do you provide the full source code? If not do you plan to make desktop app? Can you create, save and import your own componenets?
Alex Newman
THIS IS THE ONE! The holy grail right here, folks
Vamshi Vangapally
Congrats and well thought. Appreciate if you could point me to a css repo which can be applied to any bootstrap website and turn it awesome! Same classes but slick interfaces.