I decided to be transparent today and give you the numbers on the podcast for the first quarter. What started out as a trial has now become a start-up to me and I plan to work it like one. I want to expand the scope of the podcast and will over the coming year with your help.
I've been thinking of starting a newsletter. This would be to replace the blog which really isn't a blog anymore. I use it to post my podcasts. What I'm thinking is a once a month newsletter that is delivered via email where you would get one podcast from the month prior (the most downloaded) and then a few links to articles I believe you may like and maybe a paragraph or two from me about whatever. I would really enjoy hearing what you have to say about this. You can subscribe to a beta version of the newsletter here It's All Mishegoss Once a Month Newsletter!
I also went ahead and set up a community on Mighty Bell which is a great new platform for interacting with listeners or anyone. You go to this link and sign up. You can create your own profile and we can interact and discuss topics that need to be covered or were covered.
Now it's your turn. Listen in and comment. Also, remember to rate this podcast and comment about it on iTunes. Thanks Mark