Mark&Patti Clifford

It's All Mishegoss #34...New Stuff on the Horizon - New Stuff for the podcast /Z Cast and stress

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Mark&Patti Clifford
This week I will be trying a new sidekick to the podcast. It's called Z Cast and it is tied to Twitter. You will be able to listen on Twitter and also tweet comments and questions to me while I am live and then I can answer you right then and there instead of waiting. I don't know how it will work, but it's worth a shot. My Twitter handle is @markjohn1 (clickable link). I have been thinking about whether to continue the blog as a side to the podcast or dump the blog for a newsletter. I've talked to the people that I know who I consider the experts and, to be honest, I have so many ideas from them I am confused. I talk about my idea on here and if you wouldn't mind letting me know your thoughts, that would be great? New idea for a senior men's lifestyle blog/magazine. Although I am going to tie to a blog called To Be The Man. Check it out by clicking on the name and then signup to keep informed. I touched on stress a little today. Visualization works for me and I think it may work for you. Give it a try. Don't limit yourself to just one thought. See you next week,