Jabez Tadesse

Shortcuts - A Fresh New Start


By default in Google Chrome, You are limited to only 10 shortcuts … and bookmarks are overrated! This Chrome extension gives you More shortcuts, New design. 🔥

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Jabez Tadesse
Why is the default Chrome Browser Homepage restricted to only 10 shortcuts? And why does it look outdated? These questions drove the development of this extension.
This extension looks incredibly useful, @jabeztadesse! I'm curious, why does Google Chrome limit the default homepage to just 10 shortcuts? Also, do you think this limitation makes the browser homepage look outdated compared to more customizable options? Can't wait to try this out!
Jabez Tadesse
@pierre_peng Thanks for the comment. I'm not sure why they limit it to 10. But they seem to push the "Bookmark" feature which can get cluttered. I don't think this limitation makes the browser homepage look outdated ... but since you're used to that look the design might get boring after a while. (Specially compared with other Google products) ...
Rajesh Sahni
Great suggestion! I can see this making a real impact on how efficiently I navigate online.