Looks amazing but I have a question: does it work outside US? Specifically in Spain. I’d love to try it but doesn’t make any sense to me if I cannot compare with Spanish retailers
For over 12 years ShopSavvy has helped over 30 million people save money using their mobile devices on Android and iOS.
Now, we're bringing our years of price comparison experience to the browser.
When you visit a product page, ShopSavvy searches over 30,000 retailers (both online and nearby "brick and mortar") in real time for details like price and availability, then shows them all to you in a sidebar.
On behalf of the whole ShopSavvy team, we’d like to thank you for considering our new extension!
We’re working hard everyday to make shopping easier, less stressful, and most importantly, fair for everyone.
Thanks for all the votes folks! One thing to mention- this product is especially useful when trying to find hard to get items during Covid, or worse to prevent price gauging. This gives you alternatives!
@mark_kalinsky Hey Mark! thanks so much for checking it out and your kinds words. We'd love to figure out what's tripping it up for you. Would you mind sharing a URL to a product you've tried it on where it failed? We'll take a look right away. Cheers!
please feel free to email me directly if you don't feel like sharing publicly, I'm jake@shopsavvy.com