Ryan Hoover

Sense - Tell your story with photos


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Harish Venkatesan
@nbashaw seems like they're trying to solve the same problem that Exposure (https://exposure.so/) is, but on mobile It's the idea that single photos on a feed (a la Instagram) might not be the best way to create and share engaging narratives about things you do. Use case I can think of, for e.g.: you went on a camping trip, and want to share photos, videos, and text about that experience in one location. I can see big challenges in distribution + design (can they create a narrative experience that is a significant step up from just a "photo album"?)
Nathan Baschez
lol is it just me, or does this landing page say nothing at all?
Ryan Hoover
Found this on Betaworks' Openbeta email list. Reminds me of Heyday, Memoires, and Days. Navigate to http://senseapp.co/join on your iPhone to download the unreleased beta.
Nathan Baschez
Ah, got it. It seems like it's going to be really hard for them to unseat instagram, because basically all you really get with this is photo sharing, except it's a lot more work to share photos on here than anywhere else. I'm trying to think of situations where the "story" thing could add a lot of value, and I'm coming up short. The main cool thing I can imagine from the format seems to be "multiple photo sharing" but the people at https://everlapse.com did a great job executing and still couldn't crack that nut
Ryan Hoover
@hv23 - I went on a wine tasting trip with the family this weekend and created my first Sense post - http://senseapp.co/s/buPUTdHGnk It creates automatic "albums" for you to simplify creation but groups photos based on time+location. I created this album with its custom feature, selecting individual photos. It took a bit of effort but relatively painless. This reminds me more of Cluster, the product @joshelman submitted earlier. cc @nchirls