Thanks @erictwillis - We built Send Check It because no matter what marketing automation, newsletter or email service provider you're using, it is just so damn easy to typo a URL, mess up an image or commit some other open rate busting mistake.
Send Check It's near instant, automated tests of your marketing emails make it the quality assurance team that every marketing group has dreamed of having.
Before you send your next email blast, you'll probably email yourself a preview of the email as a quick sanity check. Along with doing that, send a copy to the secret email address you'll get when signing up and in less time than it takes to read your email, Send Check It will reply with a report detailing what (if any) errors exist in it and how to fix them.
So far today we've already found over 200 serious errors in emails we've tested. What issues will you discover in yours?
@narek_vardanyan@mbuckbee I believe it would work with anything. You'd just send the test email to an email address, and receive a report back about it.
Congrats @mbuckbee on this launch! This is a fantastic idea, and saves business owners so much headache. I've sent launch campaigns with bad links before, that's not something I recommend 🙃
Also, awesome explainer video!
Nice - someone reported that we (PH) do this in an email. Now I'm paranoid and scrambling to find it. I never use merge tags just for the fear of this happening. 🙈
Great stuff. We use an in house mail merging platform which doesn't have any link checking or verification. I think we have used email on acid before in order to test formatting etc. This looks like it could be good to use in conjunction with that. Lots of test emails to send!
I love how @mbuckbee takes small but painful problems and wraps great automated solutions around them. Definitely inspires me as a bootstrapping maker.
Anyone who's sent more than a handful of emails has experienced this pain.
Congrats on the PH launch Mike 👍
Congrats on the PH launch @mbuckbee! I've used Send Check It a few times and it's been super useful for me. So simple (literally just send an email to an address, get a report back) but effective. I've sent way too many emails with missing links etc.
This is a great product! I had the opportunity to test SCI with a couple newsletters I was blasting out, and it made me aware of not just link issues, but I had an image that was 4 times larger than I thought it was.
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