Thanks guys for creating this device! Just got it couple weeks ago (long wait since a kickstarter campaign). The idea is great. The device itself looks very cool and is easy to use (easily connects to a phone, convenient case etc). The range of apps is somewhat limited, and some of them provide strange data. I tried different sorts of tomatos, and it looks like the app liked the ones that were more ripe, to the point of starting to rot. Body fat app gave same %% for me and my relative, who is almost same height but significantly more fit. The chocolate app gave 72% measurement for 73% chocolate.
All in all, I liked the device a lot and will play more with it. As a consumer, I'd like to have more apps that give really credible information that I can somehow verify. As an engineer with background in physics, I'd like to have more low level information, like see wavelength numbers on the spectre graph. Some kind of "advanced" mode that I could turn on in Settings and get access to more data without becoming a SCiO developer, would be handy.