Arthur Schiller

Scavengar - Scavenger Hunt meets Augmented Reality

Scavengar makes it possible to play and create worldwide scavenger hunts by combining powerful technologies like augmented reality, computer vision and machine learning.

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Arthur Schiller
Hello Product Hunt 👋 I'm thrilled to announce the official release of my latest sideproject. The MVP for Scavengar was built for the Product Hunt Global Hackathon that took place last year. I've submitted it to the Augmented Reality Category where it was awarded with the first place. From there on I kept refining the concept, polishing the look and feel while adding a couple new ideas. I wanted to make sure that everyone can not only experience hunts but also create their own content. That's why I integrated a hunt editor that allows you to craft your own hunts, to share them with the world. If there is no hunt available in your city I invite you to try out this feature. Within a hunt you will be able to collect a variety of items, that realistically reflect their surroundings and gather points to win the game. A more sophisticated feature lies in the tasks and riddles you can solve. Powered by computer vision and machine learning, you’ll need to interact more with the “real” world to truly master the enigmas. I.e., finding objects, colors or obstacles within a certain time frame, or answering questions about the memorial which is located in the park nearby. Special thanks go out to Stefan Wirth for hooking me up with the backend and my friends Marc and Alex as well as lots of other people for their support! 😘 Scavengar was built natively in Swift and is powered by ARKit, SceneKit and CoreML. It runs on iOS 11.4 upwards and on iPhone 6S or better. I'm really excited to see want kind of hunts you will create and look forward to your feedback! Happy hunting Arthur
WholeLife Church
@arthurschiller_ this looks to be a really cool app. I’m setting up for a weekend event and would like to use your app as our featured Scavenger hunt game. The event usually has around 400 families and typically 50-100 people will participate. Are there any limitations to how many people can play one game at a time? My plan is to create a specific hunt on Friday and allow participants to play during the weekend. Is there a way to see standings or scores of all those that are participating? Thanks in advance for your response.
Marc Wicht
@wholelifeorl great to see you like the app and want to use Scavengar for your event. Even if all 400 families participate in your scavenger hunt, it will work perfectly fine, so nothing is standing in the way! There are quite a lot of premium features like marker-based localization, analytics dashboard, custom 3D-asset-integration, custom branding, and the list goes on... However, for an implementation today, that might come a bit too short notice. Give us a shout at and we can hop on a call to discuss this further, maybe even before you set them up today.
Dmitri Kyle Brereton
Looks like a great product! Wish I could try it out but I'm on Android 😞. Is there any hope for AR for non-iphone users? (although there's probably like 5 of us).
Arthur Schiller
@dbrereton As I've mainly worked on Scavengar by myself and in my sparetime I didn't have the capacity yet to work on an Android Version as well. I would love to provide one but of course there would need to be enough request. For the moment I'm really sorry. Maybe you can try it out on a friends phone? I purposely didn't use something like Unity for the development as I wanted provide a really smooth feeling, native iOS UI experience.
Ivan Kokhno
Hey Arthur, This is AMAZING! I've never really been a fan of AR apps or services, but this concept is on a whole different level. I've just finished the tutorial hunt, and my head is already bursting with ideas on how to use Scavengar in the future. Seriously, it's fabulous! The thing I love the most about it is the possibility to use it as some sort of local guide across cool places in a given city, for example. I mean, it should work, right? I'll definitely try it this weekend and update you on the results. :) Just imagine visiting a new place and joining a hunt across its cultural legacy... Or the best local pubs. Man, I really hope this app gets around the world, it would be a blast!
Arthur Schiller
@mirimesque Thanks so much Ivan and glad you enjoy it! 😊 Looking forward to hear more about your experience with it! And yes – exactly that was one of the main usecases I had in mind when developing Scavengar. In the long run I imagine it as kind of a tool where people can share nice walks or anecdotes around places they like (with a personal touch added on top) or guided tours along interesting places, historic sights, and so on… I'm also working on removing some of the friction from the initial localization process. The app will then be able to automatically figure out you real world position with enough precision so you can dive straight in to the hunting.
Ryan Hoover
Very Pokemon Go-like. How are you creating these hunts and placing items around the world, @arthurschiller_? Also any plans to host scavenger hunts with bounties (perhaps similar to HQ)?
Arthur Schiller
@rrhoover Thanks for the comment Ryan! The app includes a hunt editor that lets everyone create their own hunt and share it with the world. You can discover those hunts on the map. I‘m also working on having hunts place on hotspots around the world. That idea with hosted hunts is actually really great! Currently I’m missing the infrastructure and network to pull that off by myself but would definitely be open for that. If any company is interested in partnering in that regard please contact me!
Dmitry Shapiro
@rrhoover @arthurschiller_ Great implementation! Let's chat about how we may be able to integrate it with Metaverse Studio -
Dmitry Shapiro
@rrhoover @arthurschiller_ Scavenger hunts with bounties are awesome -
This is how you get mugged
Arthur Schiller
@arunsasidharan Why do you think that? It's not intended for usage during night as that would break the ARKit tracking anyway. Also nobody is forcing you to go to a particular place. Sometimes it's a good idea to use your human intelect when consuming stuff. Especially when using software. I think it would be easier if someone just uses for example Tinder to encourage you to go to shady place…
@arthurschiller_ Now go back and watch the video from 00:05 and see if that aligns with what you said above. Hope you see the gap in human intellect (it has two 'i's btw)
Arthur Schiller
@arunsasidharan I see a drone shot from a place in Berlin. What are you trying to say?
David Troup

Love the demo hunt. Lots of opportunity for this!


Super cool AR implementation


need more hunts!

Stefan Wirth
Hey @davidtroup, you can actually create your hunts in the app. ✌️
Arthur Schiller
Thank you David! I'm definitely working on getting a lot more content integrated in the next days. If you want feel free to set one up in your town. I would love to hear if the set up process feels easy enough.
John Lawson

Designed a hunt for York, wonder how it will work on the city walls?


This could be huge, the idea is the implementation, can’t wait to see were it goes from here.


Need a skip function on every item/ point in case of accessibility in the real world.

Brent Kastner
Cool! Great work!
Timothy R. Brandt
Hey Arthur, Great Work! I've worked in this same AR Location space this year as Tech Co-Founder of Neon AR. Like you, since being immersed in this space, my head has gone a million miles an hour with potential ideas for the future. So many possibilities! I just wanted to give you a shout out for such nice, simple design. One thought I had with the product in its current state is in respect to its "liquidity issue". Until users make Hunts, there is no content available for new users. I might politely suggest that one way to seed content might be by coming up with a tool that auto-generates a basic scavenger hunt based upon local map input. Just a suggestion for a future improvement. Anyway, anyone working in this space is a friend of mine and I just wanted to say job well done!
Arthur Schiller
@timothy_r_brandt Hey Timothy, thank you! You are totally right and I'm currently thinking about that as well. For the Scavengar MVP I basically did what you suggested. You could pick a target, it would generate a walking route there and scatter items in between. The issue was the lack of accuracy of the initial location and also that the route was sometimes on the road and not the pedestrian walk. But since I've worked around this quite a bit for this release it might be worth to reimplement that. Here is a video of that if you wanna have a look:
Also if you like I'd love to connect and chat about some AR stuff. My twitter handle is @arthurschiller_ Have a great weekend! Best Arthur
Arthur Schiller
@timothy_r_brandt Just saw we are already connected ;) Will drop you ad DM.
Renee Rollestone
Is there any possibility of making this available for android users
Arthur Schiller
@renee_rollestone We hope to release an Android Version at some point this year.
Marques G Moore
Can you create a scavenger hunt inside a building (library or museum) if so how?
Arthur Schiller
@marquesgmoore Hi, no yet – but soon! ;) It's in the works. Stay tuned!
Erick E Watson
This looks great but I can't see it on the Australian App Store :( :(
Arthur Schiller
@erick_e_watson Hi, that's odd. It should be! This one isn't working? ->