
Say - The simplest social network with no images, no videos


Say is the simplest social network ever made !Usual social networks are too addictive.with Say , no images , no videos , no likes , no following , no followers , no ads, no suggestion algorithms , no addiction , no access to your phone resources.

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Alex Papageorge
Curious, what would you say the major difference is between discord?
@alex_papageorge no images , no videos , no likes , no following , no followers , no ads, no suggestion algorithms.'Say' has no access to your phone resources.requires no permission
Welcome on Say , the simplest social network ever made๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜ƒ!!!Usual social networks are too addictive.with Say , no images , no videos , no likes , no following , no followers , no ads, no suggestion algorithms , no addictionโŒ.Just say what's on your mind and have other people's comments arounde the world ๐ŸŒ๐ŸŒŽ๐ŸŒ.If you're looking for Privacy , here is the place to be.'Say' has no access to your phone resources.
Swastika Gurung
Great idea for our cluttered times.
Gregory Wehmeyer
Explain in one sentence why I would want to share this with anyone, and please don't restate its dearth of traditional social media features.
@gregory_wehmeyer because it's a very unique new way to communicate and connect.
I 'say' on social media because I feel people will 'listen'. How does 'say' tell me that somebody/anybody is listening at all?
@aditya_joshi7 on Say everybody is listening
I never knew I had a real need for nothing...