Create, Share and Discover Great Investment Portfolios. Track all your own stock and crypto investments in one portfolio on Savvy Trader. Then optionally choose to share your portfolio for free or charge a monthly subscription fee to earn recurring income.
We created Savvy Trader because currently, there is no way to:
- Share your investment portfolio with others
- Follow someone else's investment portfolio
- Get notified when someone makes a trade
- Make recurring revenue by charging your subscribers
It's crazy that it's 2023 and these basic investment sharing features hadn't existed until Savvy Trader.
But we also want Savvy Trader to be the best place to get basic stock quotes. The Savvy Trader stock quote page not only provides the standard stock pricing info and charts, but it also shows you who has been buying or selling a given stock and their comments for their trades.
We think Savvy Trader solves some unique problems and is destined to be a must-have investment tool for every investor.
@selby_zungu Thanks Selby. We're excited for it. Check out the new realtime stock quote feature. We think it's far superior to the Stocks app on the iPhone.
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