Sleep is essential for our mental and physical well-being and that's why, in addition to our personal experiences with bad sleep, we created our products with the guidance of sleep professionals.
@rrhoover Hi Ryan! Thanks for the note! Sharing some thoughts here for you: We've found from our customers that the additional ingredients are actually very very helpful, much more so than just taking melatonin. Actually, CBN is the key ingredient which helps sooth your body and work with your neurotransmitters to tell your body the day is over and it should transition to sleep-mode. We use a very light amount of Melatonin because we think it's a great ingredient when used in the right amounts (often other brands give over 100x what your body actually needs which can make some folks feel groggy the next morning). the hops and peppermint are helpful for flavor and to make sure everything works together and does the job of getting your body relaxed and ready to dose off. Sandland doesn't knock you out like big-pharma products, it's a more natural and sustainable solution for the body over time.
@jack_davis7 Pssst! Its a a long sheep lol. When people sleep they think of counting sheep jumping over a fence (if that even helps). Unless you are Carl Wheezer from Jimmy Neutron, then yeah, he dreams about llamas.
They made it long so you only have to count once.
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