Matt Williamson

Sampler - Denzelishness - Hollywood, race, botulism, and of course, Denzel

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Matt Williamson
Show notes: "This week on Sampler, special guest, comedian W. Kamau Bell, co-host of the podcast, Denzel Washington is the Greatest Actor of All Time, Period, talks with host Brittany Luse about Hollywood, race, botulism, and of course, Denzel. **Warning, this episode features content and language not suitable for children. Episode #2 Features Clips from: Training Day --> The W. Kamau Bell Curve; “Ending Racism in About an Hour” --> Denzel Washington is the Greatest Actor of All Time, Period. Episode #54 --> http://denzelwashington.wolfpop.... Soundings from the New York Review of Books" -->
Bryan Postelnek
Loved this new episode vs the previous one.