Russell Palmer

SAGA - Where Storytelling Meets Technology


We build tools for the next generation of creative artists. You break in to Hollywood as a Director by making indie movies, and Saga can help you get there - faster, better stories, characters, scripts, storyboards, and soon films to get discovered next!

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Russell Palmer
We believe by bringing down the cost of making a movie trailer, pilot episode, or viral video at Hollywood Blockbuster quality, we can help bring more people in to Hollywood filmmaking and "grow the pie". What do you think? We believe in Human-In-The-Loop, and Human-Driven art projects. We also believe in technology, like CGI, HD Cameras, Generative AI, LED Screens, and anything that helps you make your movie look the best it can on whatever budget you bring to the table. We believe in meritocracy in filmmaking. Not everyone that makes a movie will produce the next Godfather or Gladiator and that's all good. We just want to help everyone with stories to tell make more of their best work faster. Some will make it and some movies you just screen with friends. More art by more diverse creators viewed by more people around the globe is a win for cinema, not an AI-induced loss. Do you agree? Even if not, comment below and let us know what you think.
💎 Pixel perfection
my God This is a revolution for the world of cinema and animation :)
Alexandru Muresan
Congrats, this is amazing! I have so many friends in the industry that have this block, so i'll definitely encourage them to check out your product! Does it work similarly to a chat bot? You give input and it spits out a script?
Russell Palmer
@zencheetah You certainly give it inputs, but rather than "spit out a script" it helps guide you through each scene, so you're in control and review/edit every page as you go. We want to make sure our users are in control and the writing follows their voice. Thanks for your interest! Check out the demo video or our YouTube channel for more and you'll see what I mean:
Alexandru Muresan
@writeonsaga @writeon @russellsapalmer I like that. I’ll check it out and share it with my friends. Congratulations again.
Cant wait to try more Russell! Youre carrying on your vision in AI, from your thesis work at Samsung.
Russell Palmer
@davidosez Yes thanks! It's been a journey but the future looks promising for AI and cinematic arts
Natasha Richardson
congrats! i'd like to check this one
Kevin Greenburg
💡 Bright idea
Awesome tool! Over my career, I would aim to write 5 pages / day on average (for a spec script), but I'm averaging 5 pages an hour with Saga. I find it especially helpful when I'm writing details about something I'm not well versed in. For example, a few years back I had to heavily research 20th century steelworkers, to describe their daily work, outfits, lifestyle, etc. With Saga, I can input any concepts and hit Generate, and the AI gives me a great first draft to work with. It offers angles and ideas I might not otherwise have come up with. I love this tool! It's amazing, and definitely the future of storytelling. PLUS the storyboarding feature outputs incredible full color 16:9 images. I can have character images made from the descriptions in seconds. It's incredible. Can't wait for new features.