Chris Scott — Spread hope, not hate.


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Chris Scott
Brexit brought with it a 41% spike in hate crimes, causing many immigrants to live in fear of intimidation and violence. Out of this fear grew a community of people willing to stand up for those who feel threatened, to stand with and defend the marginalized. The Safety Pin is the symbol of this movement, showing those around you that you believe in hope over hate. Since the presidential election in the United States, we're already seeing this same trend here in the US, with increasing hate speech, violence and intimidation toward minorities. Put this decal on your car, laptop, water bottle or in the window of your home to show those around you that you will stand up for and welcome the marginalized and the downtrodden. Let them know they're safe with you and that you believe in #HopeNotHate. All profits are donated to charity. See website for specifics.
In 2012 (available without FBI login), FBI figures showed that 62.4% of hate crimes by religion, were against Jews & 11.6% against Muslims. ( No "safety-pin" campaign has ever been applied towards protecting Jews in America. The narrative of widespread Muslim "backlash" is propaganda spread by CAIR & the Regressive Left. Jew-Hatred is a core principle of the trilogy of source Islamic Sacred Texts, a fact totally ignored by Mainstream Media. Theological Illiteracy in the U.S. is at record levels and is especially high in respect of Islam. Study of Islam will reveal that Islam's "Judgement Day" & ascendence of faithful adherents to Paradise, cannot occur as long as a single Jew remains alive on this planet and the Qur'an calls upon believers in Allah & His Messenger, Muhammad, to find every last Jew, including any hiding behind trees or under rocks & kill them. Reaction to this well-known aspect of Islam by SJW's and Regressives, is SILENCE or denial. No consideration whatsoever is given to the fear that unvetted Muslim immigration causes in many communities previously & currently targeted/victimised by the militant forces of Islam. The "down-trodden" you speak of are the very people that the Democrats have used and neglected for 2 centuries. Anyone with even a passing interest in U.S. history will tell you that the Democrats were the party of Native American genocide & land confiscation, African American Slavery, Civil War antagonists, the party of lynchings, the KKK, Segregation and Jim Crow Laws and that they opposed the granting of suffrage to women and blacks. The Democrats established inner city black ghettos & have been responsible for their decay as the party overwhelmingly administering American cities. The Democrats were also involved in collusion with the Mafia, Political, Union & Voter Corruption & Fraud via Tammany Hall & Boss Tweed and finally, the Democrats lied about the so called "great switch", in which only 1% of Democrats became Republicans & vice versa. Bill & Hillary Clinton's ingrained corruption of American Politics is appalling to informed and educated Australians like me and how any American could want a President beholden to the Arabian Theocracies who paid hundreds of millions of dollars to The Clinton Foundation and to the Clintons' personal accounts, is incomprehensible. To reject the result of the ultimate sign of Democracy, a free & fair general election, because your candidate failed to reveal her psychopathy sufficient for you to recognise it, is no reason to protest, to riot, to cry or to engage in empty, muddle-headed virtue signalling campaigns such as this. Grow-up, accept the result, demand whatever degree of political accountability you wish over the next 4yrs and learn the detailed history of both major U.S. political parties, remembering that the two mentors Hillary Clinton expresses most regard for are former Democratic Senator & Grand Wizard of the KKK, Robert Byrd and Communist agitator, author and expert Community Organiser, Saul Alinsky (on whom Hillary wrote her thesis). Put away the Safety Pins before someone gets pricked!
Chris Scott
@drjgelb So you'd like us to send you one?