@SacBookReviewer Awesome. We're currently in "bend over backwards" mode so feel free to reach out to us with any questions/comments. Happy to jump on a call anytime.
@seanrucker Will do. That client doesn't really have any money to spend (or wants to spend it) but we've been discussing doing something with it ourselves for a couple of projects, but just haven't gotten to anything other than speculation.
Too many potential projects, only so much attention. Hard to balance between the "wouldn't that be cool" and "how is it going to make us money".
@SacBookReviewer Thats what's great about the platform. Get up and running fast and for free (up to 2500 visits/month). While you can customize the UI, the SDK does come bundled with out of the box customizable UI. Only a couple of lines of code and you are good to go.
@Bogdan_Su Yup, its pretty easy to segment content delivered to your customers. In addition to segmenting by time, day of the week, etc. you can create your own customer segments and target that way.
We've found a lot of people using Rover have set up segments like 'best customers' and then use the platform to send them special offers. One way of determining this is to only send 'best customer' offers to those who have visited a location/store at least 5 times that month for example.
You can create an account and easily check it out at app.roverlabs.co !
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