Jordi Prados Aulet

roastMe - Real feedback πŸ”₯ and critics 🎯 from community & expert users

roastMe is a feedback marketplace for your product, idea, design or website.

RoastMe helps makers, indie-hackers, product managers, designers, etc. get real feedback πŸ”₯ and critics 🎯 from the community & expert users.

Also, as an expert, you can share your knowledge & opinion to others makers & receive money for it.

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Jordi Prados Aulet
Hey everyone! πŸ‘‹ I'm J.P. Aulet, solo-maker of roastMe. RoastMe helps makers, indie-hackers, product managers, designers, etc. get real feedback πŸ”₯ and critics 🎯 from the community & expert users for your product / design / idea! Also, as an expert, you can share your knowledge & opinion to others makers & receive money for it. With roastMe you can: β€” Get critics/opinions from users. β€” Get reviews from experts β€” Receive professional review for your site (SEO, marketing, security, accessibility, UX/UI, possible improvements, etc.) β€” Centralize all feedback (Twitter, Hacker News, Indie Hackers, Product Hunt, etc.) in one page β€” Receive video-review of your products β€” Promote your product to get more feedback β€” Mentor ship β€” As an expert, get paid for sharing your expertise and opinions while you help other's makers. β€” Much more to come! Public roadmap here: This is my first product submitted to PH. I started developing roastMe about 1'5 months ago, when I realized that a lot of makers are seeking for feedback in the firsts-stages of their products in different applications like Twitter, IndieHackers, PH or Slack groups (for instance, only in IndieHackers there are more than 2500 articles asking for feedback). The main goal was to centralize all this feedback in a more specific platform. You can see the development roadmap in this article: where I explain from the first MVP draft until the first launch of it. Once published, I worked on new features, get more experts in the marketplace and increase the products submitted. Then, after listening to the users, I start pivoting from a feedback-as-a-service to a feedback marketplace, where you can choose experts in different areas to review your product. Nowadays the platform is growing: +4 experts/week and +3 products/week. On the 19th of October, we celebrated the first paying customer & revenue! P.D: The `roastMe` brand name was inspired by @levelsio tweet: where he ask for a roast. More benefits: β€” Give external vision It happens, that when you struggle to improve your product for a long time, you lose the "focus" and other's people vision is essential to discover things that may seem obvious afterward, but save you a lot of time and nerves. β€” We bring emotion Receiving feedback is always a good thing. With roastMe you can discover your product pitfalls before launching, discover what users think of your product or ask for design opinions. β€” We increment visibility Making a roast will grow your audience and generate traffic to your product. You can easily share it and increment the impact of your launch. β€” We empower you Sharing your ideas, product or design will let you from the `fear or launch` and you will be amused by how others love to help. Maybe you find your new collaborator or your very first client! Hope you like it! Thanks for your time! J.P.Aulet
Joan BoixadΓ³s
Awesome to get quality feedback fast!! Specially useful after a release when you need to polish the details!
Jordi Prados Aulet
@mezood Thank you Joan!! I hope that helps other people like me...For me it was so difficult to validate MVP's that I realized that I need a tool for that. Glad you like it!
Sergio Mattei
Congrats on the launch, Jordi! I've been watching this product in and around social media and am pretty excited to see how it grows. Good work!
Jordi Prados Aulet
@ftxrc Thank you Sergio!! I'll work hard to make it grow.. maker community is awesome, let's see how it grows. Glad to see people like you `following` my product
Love this. Will it have a subreddit? @jpaulet
Jordi Prados Aulet
@elizabethhunker Hi Elizabeth! Thanks I'm glad you like it! What you exactly mean with "Will it have a subreddit?" ΒΏCreate a 'roast me' like but instead of people for products?
Jordi Prados Aulet
@elizabethhunker I will think about it! Nice idea
Hey nice job, it’s very beautiful! Will try it with my next project πŸ˜‰
Jordi Prados Aulet
@wimgz Thanks William! I'm not a very good designer but I'm improving with some nice people on twitter and some expert reviews in my own website... I hope to find you in the platform ;)
Alex Price
I used the service last week and I've had some great feedback so far! Great work JP.
Jordi Prados Aulet
@remotealex Thanks Alex!! I will continue working so that all of you have all the feedback you deserve πŸ˜‰
Ryan Farrell
This is super fun, and a very fresh approach to usability testing. One thing, I would highly suggest you hire a copywriter with a stronger grasp of English to take a pass at the content. There are some pretty plain grammatical errors that are probably working against your conversion potential. Also, keep up the good work!
Jordi Prados Aulet
@rumstreet Thank you for the feedback. That's true, English is not my native language and there are some mistakes in the website that make it less professional. I will take your advice! Glad you enjoyed it!
Ryan Farrell
@jpaulet No worries mate. Personally I think your English is great, it's just that small sliver of (admittedly nit-picky) users who will notice that stuff.
clara pardo gromaches
Good job @jp_aulet !
Jordi Prados Aulet
@jp_aulet @cgromaches Thank you clara πŸ˜ƒ
Tim Davila
I got great actionable feedback after submitting my site on Roastme. It's a cool platform for makers, congrats on the launch!
Jordi Prados Aulet
@nominalapp Thanks Tim! I'm glad you are happy with the outcome!
Hey Jordi looks great. Nice tool for Makers. Hope to use in my future betas. Congratulations on the launch πŸ‘!
Jordi Prados Aulet
@josevgcalatayud Thanks Jose! I'm very glad you like it! I willing to see your new products & help with them!
Kyrylo Taranenko

I tried it with Y-Productive and was pleased with the insights. It actually helps when you get people from the outside to look at your project with a fresh eye.

RoastMe has all the chance to become a nice platform for people to get or provide advice on their projects, will it be website improvements or advice for a promotion.

I can see myself being a community member, exchanging experience or getting help when I'm stuck.


Nice channel to get the actionable advice on your project from real people


The flow may be unintuitive at first (to understand if you sign up to write the roast or get roasted), but it is promised to improve

Jordi Prados Aulet
Thank you Kyrylo for your kind words! I'm working hard to improve the site. People like you with this kind of feedback helps a looot! I will keep working! πŸ˜ƒ
Site is down...
Jordi Prados Aulet
@andrei_nedelcu I checked now and it works.. maybe it's the PH effect... too many people at once, sorry. I will check the server. Sorry for that.
Salil Sethi
Can’t access the site.
Jordi Prados Aulet
@salil_sethi Try now.. I'm detecting some performance issues, I disabled some things in the server to make it more performant. Also I broke all the "launching day rules" and I'm deploying some changes / improvements / errors in production