Kevin William David

Right Relevance - Search for topical articles, influencers and conversations.


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Kevin William David
Right Relevance is the quickest and simplest way to search and discover highly relevant deep topical content in near real-time. Algorithmically mines the social web to identify and rank topical influencers at scale.
Palak Zatakia
Been using Right Relevance for a while now. Loving it. 😻
Sounds a clvr / v.needed tool - though i did a (topical person) search on "Prince" and "The Prince of Darkness" aka Ozzy came first lolz.. >
Vishal Mishra
@skywalker Prince, due to the high commonality of the term, is not a structured topic. Let me see how we can handle this in the short and medium term. We can probably apply disambiguation as we do for things like "wildcats", "tigers" etc.
@vmishrra - doh! ...the reason for the (Purple) Prince non-appearance is ....wait for it.....he doesn't/didn't have a twitter account lol ..... *unfortunate case to explore. Madonna works > Btw: are you crunching FB/Twitter (social signals) first hand with algo or using a service to provide like Klout?
Vishal Mishra
@skywalker :-) I was thinking more from a relevance pov but understand what you're saying. I don't think of us as an account search/lookup technology. We mostly crunch Twitter for signals and have no link with Klout whatsoever. & provide more context.
@vmishrra thanks for the reference (more detail) articles ;) btw: I really like the "Each influencer can be part of multiple topical communities and have a different rank/score within each." - ie influence is relative to topic - nice job! could you poss send me an email to jonathan (at) ?
Jeff Nolan
I had good results searching for articles, not so much so for influencers.
Vishal Mishra
@jeff_nolan Would appreciate it if you can please provide examples. We'll test and fix. We're a topical search & discovery platform and not applicable for account lookup. Selecting topics from auto-complete dropdown gives the best results. Plz check:
Brandon Bailey
Is an Android App ins the works?
Vishal Mishra
@brandonbailey Yes, we're planning to release around mid-May.
Sweet, will try it right away. Thank you!
Michael Peloquin
You have no idea how many times clients ask me, "how can we find a place to share our content?" This should certainly come in handy. With all these tools I always worry about people using them to eavesdrop, me included. But always looking for new ways to find engaged conversations about distinct topics. Definitely going to give this a try.
It's tough to get good content that's created or shared by experts. Check out the data that's returned on right relevance it's spot on. Good stuff!
Saurabh Verma
Love the product. Vishal, what's the good word on the mobile app?
Vishal Mishra
@jigripokri Hey Saurabh! Android should be out mid-May. iPhone has been out over year. How are things with you?
Brianne Kimmel
Great product - really simple to use!
Vishal Mishra
Please check for more context wrt technology outline.
Gezim Hoxha
Hate how they don't allow you to copy URLs. Any good alternative out there?