James Bowyer

Remember your Essay/Pitch with AI - Remember text with AI working out which sentences you forget

If you struggle to hit every point in a pitch or memorise essays, you're not alone!

Paste your text, then recite it from afresh. Get a color-coded report on what you forgot/remembered.

Powered by a specific model for this, based on Googles BERT, and free.

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James Bowyer
๐Ÿงช As a psychology graduate, memorising essays became a regular pain! And then I ran into this once again with the fine details of pitches... ๐Ÿค” So how can you remember abstract information and be confident you can recall the vital parts? Luckily there are studies, such as Roediger and Karpicke (2006, experiment 2 used for the graph), which show us the best ways to get things stuck in your head - prime amongst them (other than Blooms 2 Sigma tutoring) is using active/free recall! ๐Ÿ“ˆ It's like the opposite of the forgetting curve: Feedback on what you recalled correctly and not allows you to pull off and do better in the long term (after just one week, typically) ๐Ÿš€ How/why was it made? For 3 years I've worked in EdTech applications of NLP. I realised there is recent tech in AI (Natural Language Processing, specifically) which can compare sentences to check whether you have remembered them. After experimenting with a lot of models, and competing in the Kaggle Essay Feedback competition back in May(top 15%), I found a configuration which is great for this purpose, as it works regardless of the exact wording (like most NLP models recently) AND is sensitive to adjectives and antonyms. 5 years ago this would have been near impossible! Sparing you the jargon, this means it works for most essays on most text topics without lots of acronyms, basically! Numbers are the weakness of this tool, so use it for essays or put your numbers into phrases that compare (like "Strong sales", not "20,000 sales"), for the absolute best results. Now, to give you complete control, there is a difficulty slider, as it will depend on which topics you are recalling, how strict you want it to be. If you like, you can buy me a coffee after you use it โ˜•