Taylor Majewski

Revel - Uber for electric mopeds

Revel is electric moped ridesharing that makes getting around simple and fun without gas or keys.

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Patricija Potisk
I'll upvote everything related to electric technology and renewable energy.
@patricija_p I'll upvote all comments that upvote electric technology and renewable energy initiatives
Pierre O
@patricija_p @xeeez Electric technology is nothing compared to renewable. It still generates a lot of CO2 and is far from renewable
@patricija_p @pierre_henri_outtier1 I understand what you mean. I just realized this a few days ago when I read something about e-scooters being not as eco-friendly as I first assumed :)
Joao Mendes
@patricija_p @xeeez @pierre_henri_outtier1 those are two separate problems! If I ask you combustion is the solution would you still resist electric vehicles just because we are still on the 20/30% level of renewables?
Vamshi Vangapally
This is not progress! This is basically ruining your cities and making your traffic as hell! We've seen the hell in India and appreciate the car-only situation here (because of their usage of lanes). Try making separate lanes (instead of side walks) for electric scooters - but a Vespa style (which is called moped) will cause havoc. Traffic nightmare if goes unchecked for sometime given the human psychology to be lazy by default. Electric cars/vans/buses with optimal routing is sign of progress and this is not! Also, presence of such bikes will hinder the progress of autonomous vehicles by increasing their challenges.
Fiess Edouard
@vamshi4001 We've had mopeds (which we call scooters) in Europe for decades and it hasn't turned into the nightmare you're describing. I think it's hard to compare the traffic in India with the traffic in NYC... My main concern would be more the fact that Americans are not used to dealing with motorbikes and mopeds on a daily basis. They don't check their mirrors, they don't expect them, and above all they haven't been driving one since they're 16 like we do in France or Italy for example. So put a 30yo on a moped when he's never driven one before, in the middle of the NYC trafic and you've got a recipe for disaster...
Vamshi Vangapally
@fiessedouard Completely agree! Appreciate your articulation. Definitely can't compare with Indian traffic.
Joao Mendes
@vamshi4001 you've spent too much time in US! US and India are in two extremes of the spectrum, check out the between!
Gilad Salmon
@vamshi4001 we've had this in SF for years and it's one of the best ways to get around the city: https://scoot.co/san-francisco/
Eugene Bos
@vamshi4001 sounds like BS. Restristing cars and allowing only (motor)bikes will solve whole traffic situation.
Moon Kang
hate to be such a downer but i see way too many people riding these around as if they're bicycles and lane splitting around busy intersections in downtown brooklyn with NO helmets. as a motorcycle rider myself, its really difficult to watch... very dangerous.
Taylor Majewski
@moon_kang good point. The NYT just wrote a really good piece on this side of the mopeds: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/08/...
Taylor Majewski
I've seen these everywhere around my neighborhood in Brooklyn! They seem very similar to Scoot in SF. Eager to take one for a spin and see how it compares to alternatives like Citibike (I'm going to guess it's faster šŸ˜‰).
Kunal Bhatia
@taylormajewski I'll try this in Bushwick tonight hopefully!
Taylor Majewski
@kunalslab lmk what you think!
Kunal Bhatia
@taylormajewski didn't realize it would have such a high onboarding cost, plus I finished my meeting + dinner around 11pm. By the time I got set up and saw the fee + driver's license onboarding, I stopped. I understand why they have the cost of license verification (~$19) passed on to consumers, but I have a feeling that they'll have a tough time getting current scooter riders to switch. The switching cost seem too high.
Dmitry Monin
Nice NIU Mopeds! We have those scooters in Berlin, favourite transportation.
Graham Gardner
Do I think these will have a net positive impact on transportation and city streets? No. Inexperienced drivers and tourists and angry drivers will inevitably collide. Literally and figuratively. Would I rent one myself? Probably! šŸ˜‚
Naimah Mumin
I rent Revels regularly and love em!
david kahne
Iā€™m ok with the product. But I have to have a license to ride my motorcycle, which is what this is. And I had to take a test to prove that I know how to ride it - how to avoid falls on turns, how to brake properly (because of the particular physics of braking on a motorbike), etc. And I have to carry proof of insurance. And, I have to have state license on my motorbike. Why donā€™t these restrictions apply to these motorbikes?
Juliet Oberding
I'm a yes to electric but if I can't ride it home (over the GG bridge). It's a no go.
Warren Stringer
Greetings from Ubud, Bali, where it is impossible to get around without a scooter. I've seen families of 4 on a single scooter here. Now, if only they were electric...
Philip Seifi
@warrenstringer1 Also reading this from Bali, and after two months roaming around Rome on Cooltras :) Can't believe it took so long for these to come to the US.
Torben Feldmann
We have these moped in Germany for more than a couple of years and its honestly the best complimentary system to our public transportation + itĀ“s so much fun.
Jonathan Hedger
There is a company already doing this in Barcelona and it's awesome: https://www.getyugo.com. I use them to travel 20 minutes to work every day. They do 50kmph. Theres a small unlock fee then you pay per minute.
Mark C
These scooters are safer, cooler, and get more people to stop using Uber cars that cause traffic. More room on the road. Hope to see a good two seater in SF.
Fabio Barreiro
any plans to come to Rio de Janeiro/Brazil?
Corey O
Scoot's are the best way to commute and explore San Francisco! I hope to see more of these. Hopefully, city governments and states embrace these.
Jeremy Pepper
Can't wait to see the lawsuits. There's a reason that most motorcyclists take classes and learn how to take down their bike, keeping an eye out for oblivious car drivers, and all those other issues. This is just a cluster that is not going to end well.
Blake Jobsen
Frequently see smashed Revels littering the streets of Brooklyn. Only a matter of time before insurance exceeds revenue (let alone profit). This is also a massive waste of resources. Walking and public transport are eco friendly (it's f'n NYC!). A cheap Chinese scooter that consumes resources and ships from around the world only to be disposed of yearly after a hipster crashes it while juuling; Not.
Iā€™ve used Revel once so far and liked the experience. Itā€™s main value seems to be getting between two places that arenā€™t well connected by public transit, esp when you donā€™t want to take a car. I just wish that it had capacity to carry stuff. As it is the cargo is dedicated to helmet storage. I would use it to run some shopping errands otherwise.
Steve Sande
As a ā€œseniorā€ (age 61), thereā€™s no way Iā€™d use an electric scooter. Electric moped? Hell, yeah. But I agree with one commenter - battery (especially Li-ion) technology is dirty and also uses a lot of carbon-based fuels during extraction and manufacturing. Scooters require battery replacement and have lousy lifetimes. If Revel can keep e-mopeds on the street for years, theyā€™ll beat e-scoots on the environmental front hands down.