@miles_matthias thanks for the note. We're rolling out alternate auth soon. We haven't found a way to get rid of signup entirely and still ensure most conversations on Reveal are welcome yet. But we def have work to do and I'd love any ideas.
@startupljackson FB Auth is interesting. The idea of the app is to allow folks to slowly reveal facts about themselves. Using FB identity could reduce the possibility of fake reveals. Name some other auth that has more data about you?
Easy to smash the choice for humor -- but harder to think through its potential.
@micah they could have opted to use facebook anonymous login though. I have to partially agree with startup l jackson in the sense that I'm wondering why they have to know so much info about me. However I do see the utility in segmenting the user base on age/gender/location (yes, A/S/L!)
@allnick Thanks for writing. We've been working on this since before Facebook anon was announced. We're definitely looking at it, and other alternatives too. There's a tough balance between information, safety and convenience.
Glad to be the one to reveal this awesome new product to the PH community. Congrats to my buddy @nicksoman and his team for pushing this across the finish line. Excited to celebrate at the launch party today.
Thanks friends. @startupljackson, it's not a pivot if you plan for it. :) Alternate auth coming soon. Some detail on why we're doing what we're doing: http://techcrunch.com/2014/09/18...
We are early days with lots of work ahead to make this magic. Thank you for the early support.
@dshan Thanks! Our old app evolved into this one. Biggest learnings: 1) we can make something awesome for more people if it's about connecting, not just dating. And 2) one on one social products should go mobile and never look back. :)
@nicksoman Interesting. Was that available 3 days ago? If so, I'd suggest you do something different for mobile users visiting your site. Even if I visit on my Android, it might be good to know an iOS app is available. Gives me reason to suspect Android is in the works and that I should stick around and wait for it.
My impression whilst visiting the page was that no mobile app existed and it was a web only interface. There were no "available in the app store" badges or anything. Just my 2 cents!
@itsthisjustin Thank you, you're totally right. We've added an "available in the app store" badge to the front page of the mobile site but I think we need something on the inside too.
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