Fernando Pessagno

Resume Maker Online - Design your resume in real time & download a print-ready PDF

ResumeMaker.Online allows users to create a resume in real time and download a print-ready PDF. No sign-up required!

Users can:

✓ Choose color and typography

✓ Manage sections

✓ Change paper size

✓ Preview resume in 3D

✓ Download a print-ready PDF

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Fernando Pessagno
Hello Product Hunt community! I´m super excited to post my first product here and I really hope you can find it useful. This is the first version of the project and I´m aiming to add new features in the near future, so any kind of feedback will be greatly appreciated! UPDATE (september 2) ✓ Multi language support improved (Spanish + English + French + Italian + Portuguese + German) ✓ All text elements are editable (even pre-set titles) ✓ Mobile support (Android devices) UPDATE 2 (october 8) ✓ HTTPS ✓ Margins reduced to allow more room for content ✓ General bug fixes & speed optimization UPDATE 3 (december 20) ✓ Save/Load feature! UPDATE 4 (february 10) ✓ Interactive links in PDF for website, email and social profiles. UPDATE 5 (april 28) ✓ Bug fixes in Safari ✓ iOS support!!! UPDATE 6 (may 8) ✓ Better use of the vertical space to make room for more content UPDATE 7 (feb 2020) ✓ Tweaks to make it more mobile friendly
@fer_momento I love the design! I have been working on something similar for the past few months - Ceev.io. One issue I see with it that I have spent months trying to figure out... When you generate the PDFs, is the site converting the design into an canvas then saving that as a PDF? Or how are you doing it? Because it looks like the exported PDF is simply one image on a PDF... And that means these resumes cannot be read or parsed by resume scanning software since the text isn't actually on the PDF. With Ceev, the only solution I've found to preserve text is to let users print to PDF using the browser print window.
@fer_momento This looks fantastic, but the need to enter a date of birth is puzzling. That's highly irrelevant and should not be on a resume. I'd love to use this as it looks very sharp, but the inability to remove DOB is a bust.
Aaron Foley
@fer_momento @davidj there are a number of sections on here Birthday, Martial Status, Nationality, even picture, have no place on a resume but interesting UI
@fer_momento @aaron_foley For sure, but you can turn off the picture, martial status, address, etc. For some reason, DOB is not available to turn on/off. I agree, beautiful UI but that's a definite deal breaker for me.
This is awesome! The template is neat & sleek! One suggestion: make it optional to include the date of birth as at the moment it's mandatory
Fernando Pessagno
@dipakvadera Thanks Dipak! think you´re right and it´s the second time someone suggested me that. I will make it optional in the next update
Fernando Pessagno
@dipakvadera I´ve just fixed it. Several people suggested it, so why not doing it right away
Chris Brooks

This is a great way to build resumes. Beautiful UI with a beautiful output of the resume. I would love to see an option to save the resume though for later editing or even a simple JSON export/import so I can import at a later stage, edit and export again. Would also like to see the ability to add additional sections or just generic text areas. Very keen to see where this goes.


Nice UI, beautiful design


No way to save info submitted and continue at a later stage. Lacks the ability to add additional areas for custom text, etc.

Fernando Pessagno
@chris2brooks A quick save/load feature has been added 😃
Andreas Fischinger
Looks really great and love it that you offer it donation based. There are so many resume tools but almost no one offers it to build resumes in german, something you’re thinking about to implement? Sometimes i wish the final pdf would be in other languages...
Fernando Pessagno
@afischzh German version comming soon ;)
Fernando Pessagno
@afischzh Andreas, I´ve just made a small tweak and now users can edit all texts (even headers) so you can translate all those to German, at least as a quick fix before the german version is ready.
Really, really nice job with this. I toyed around with this earlier and I found it very easy to use, very slick, and very intuitive. Two issues: 1) All fields should be optional to fill in. I'd never put my birthday on my CV, for instance. 2) I kept getting a "Content exceeds the page margins" warning when I wanted to preview/download and no matter what I edited out, it was never enough. Felt like an error? Maybe it was me, though.
Fernando Pessagno
@combatdavey Thanks for your helpful feedback Dave! It was definetly and error. Did you use the zoom in/out browser features? It can interfiere with some of the size calculations. Let me know please.
@fer_momento Didn't zoom in or out. As soon as I went to the site in Chrome, I got a "Content exceeds the page margins" pop-up. I zoomed out to 75%, same problem.
Fernando Pessagno
@combatdavey I´ll look into that by trying to replicate the error somehow. Thanks for the bug report! :)
Fernando Pessagno
@combatdavey Dave, the birth date is now optional as the rest of the personal info. Still no news about the that bug, but I think it happens only on Chrome.
Joan Mershon

As a career coach of 20+ years, this is clearly better than having no resume. It also has one layout - which may or may not be the best one for you. For me the deal breakers is not being able to save and come back later to edit. Who wants to type all that in again and again and again. If you are handing out stock resumes directly to people (say at a job fair) then it may be a good deal.


Easy to use, Nice UI, Clear directions


Can't save for later edits, No ATS version, Lack of any layout options

Fernando Pessagno
@joan now users can save and load the data 😃
Clement Pont'
Great idea ! But there is no way to change all the text (I would like to have it in french)
Fernando Pessagno
@clement_pont_ Thanks! I´m working in the french, german and italian version. I´ll send you a message when I upload the next update. It should be pretty pretty soon!
Adrian Krebs
Well done! This site might help someone to get a job. It reminds me of this open source project: https://github.com/salomonelli/b...
Andrew CM Yip
finally it's here! it'd be awesome if it would ingest json-resume
Fernando Pessagno
@andrewyip Now it finnaly does! Save/load feature has been added
Great job! It may not fit my needs, but I can totally see other people benefit from it.
Bjørn Furuknap
Looks amazing, Fernando, but like others I miss the ability to save my data. My resume is long after 30 years doing software development and having to retype that every time I add a new project is not an option. If you like, I could help you build a json-resume import/export (as suggested by @andrewyip).
Fernando Pessagno
@andrewyip @bjorn_furuknap Thanks for the feedback Bjørn. That is one of the possible improvements/features to add in the future for sure.
Fernando Pessagno
@bjorn_furuknap now users are able to locally save and load the data 😃
Rebecca Garcia
Nice interface, just some quick feedback that for the U.S. job market: Potential employers are not supposed to ask for your photo, age, nationality/citizenship as it's against the Equal Opportunity Employment Act to avoid discrimination. https://www.eeoc.gov/employers/i... https://www.eeoc.gov/laws/practi... I would highly recommend having those as optional or having a U.S. only version which doesn't include those.
Fernando Pessagno
@geekgirlweb Thank you Rebecca for taking time to provide those links. All the personal information and picture are optional, you can turn each one on/off to suit your needs from the "Sections" tab in the menu.
Marco Di Bree
this is really cool. Wish I had this a few years back just out of college. Are you planning to also build various templates?
Fernando Pessagno
@marco_di_bree Thanks Marco. Yes! I´m planning to offer a couple of different templates, but nothing too crazy, just variations on how the main sections can be arranged. My goal is to keep it simple, clean, and printable (some resume templates with background colors, for example, don´t get translated too well into print)
Pedro Garcia
Very cool!
Marcos Freitas
Really like it!! Would love to have an option to customize the name of each section because as a Brazilian we don't use resumes in english, but apart from that it's perfect.
Fernando Pessagno
@marcosmbfreitas To make all texts editable (even headers) is actually a pretty good idea, it could be useful for some and a quick fix while I work on adding new languages options. I´ll reply and tag you again when it´s done later today Marcos, thanks!
Fernando Pessagno
@marcosmbfreitas Marcos, as promised, now you can edit all the fields, even the headers on the personal information section.
Babken Karapetyan
This is very valuable.
Carlos Toxtli
Nice interface, but asking for some fields such as Marital Status, Picture or Nationality are commonly used for recruiters to discard good profiles, so please leave them out. Great work, congratulations.
Fernando Pessagno
@carlos_toxtli Hi Carlos, thanks for the feedback! That´s absolutely true but in certain countries or cultures it´s a common practice to include all that information too. The user can hide/show this fields to personalize the resume as they see fit.
Lee Qixian
This looks gorgeous! Maybe you could add it such that it stores into local storage so that users can revisit their resumes in future.
Fernando Pessagno
@swiftpolar Now users can locally save and load the data for later edits.
great idea. pro : give clean result to people cons : if a lot people use it, everyone is going to have the same design for their resume^^ good job
Dragos Ivanov
This looks so good! Congratulations! How are you planning to monetise? What did you use to build it?
Fernando Pessagno
@ivandrag Thanks! It will always be free. At the end people can choose to donate to support the project which will help to keep it online and to allow me to spend time on adding new features and improving the overall experience.