
Remotelane 4.0 - Remote jobs for everyone

Daily-curated Remote Jobs For Everyone

- simple list
- simple & fast search
- simple category filtering
- only the latest jobs from the last 30 days
- no long descriptions, just simple titles and links
- simple email newsletter

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Hi there 👋 is known as a remote job aggregator which shows up to 15 new remote jobs per hour from all around the web which will stay 30 days on the page. The search works simple with executing the search after stop typing for 1s without the need to press a button. The list item itself are just titles of the positions with the company next to it and the link to apply behind it. The "Post a Remote Job" Feature is as simple as possible, just provide the job title, company name, the link to apply and choose a category. Also the newsletter is just a simple list like the website itself. Since the release of version 3.0 one of the biggest requests was a category filter. Because of that in version 4.0 of we've added the feature of filtering job posts by category. Also some smaller design improvements were made. Besides that we're also launching 24 Startups in 24 Months and the two second startups are from @sonnypgs and from @ronatory. If you should have questions or feedback, let us know in the comments below :) All feedback is welcome. Cheers!