Shane Mac

Remember - Remember people where you met them

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Stephane Nguyen
Thanks @bentossell! Remember started when I first met @shanemac in March. He shared his obsession with remembering everyone he meets and how remembering a person's name was a simple way to connect with people. We have all heard “Remember when we were *there*, we met this *person*, we had such a great time!”. I've come to realize that people and places are the most talked about thing in the world. Remember sends you a push notification next time you walk into a place and does autolookup for more information from a name, email or phone.
✎ Andrew Warner
@nguyenstephane I've been using a dopey Evernote doc to keep track of names. It's a pain to get into when I need it. So I love what you're doing here. It's on my home screen. How are you going to make money with this? I'm concerned that this will be an incredible app that doesn't pay you what you're worth so you'll move on to something else.
Stephane Nguyen
@andrewwarner Hi Andrew, People are constantly struggling with notes and Evernote docs and search etc. After building the very first “usable” version, I started to put it out there and Remember just struck a chord! It turns out that everybody is bad at remembering names, but want to be better at it. More to come on the business model, I will definitely keep you posted!
Robert Stephens
@andrewwarner @nguyenstephane Brilliant feature idea, Andrew. Stephane, perhaps offer an Evernote export as a backup option.
Shane Mac
@nguyenstephane @rstephens @andrewwarner business models? Andrew, this is silicon valley...
Alex Bagirov
Hi @nguyenstephane. How about an Android app?
Stephane Nguyen
@alexbagirov hi Alexandr android app is coming next, I will definitely let you know when it's available
Fabian Rauch
@nguyenstephane @alexbagirov Looking forward trying this. Keep us updated when an Android app is available.
Robert Stephens
I love this app. A simple, excellent way to use technology in the most effective way to show you truly care: remember their name and face.
Daniel Vassilev
Great idea. Would love it if LinkedIn integrated this, would seem like a fantastic feature.
Stephane Nguyen
@danvass Hi Daniel, yes I am planning on it
Desmond Duggan
Just signed up - super excited to use it. A couple thoughts 1. Right now if I use Remember, I'll have to type in that person's contact info twice. Once in Remember and once in my Contacts app. 2. Usually when I meet someone, I'm doing something with them, and I am not going to take the time to put in their info on the spot. Right now the app is focused on logging data on the spot even though my use case is 9/10 afterwards. 3. Can't change the date of meeting someone. I met 5 people this week, but since I signed up for the app today, I can't get started.
Stephane Nguyen
@desmondduggan2 Hi Desmond! Thank you so much for taking the time to send feedback, these are great thoughts, I will add that to the backlog. Also for 1. You can create a person on Remember, then push it to Contact App. This feature, is already available. for 2. would that help when you "leave" a location where you stay more than XX minutes, a notification would say "Did you meet anybody at xxx"
Desmond Duggan
@nguyenstephane Don't really like the privacy implication there. I would be perfectly happy with being able to search and tag specific locations as well as date and time of the event.
Stephane Nguyen
@desmondduggan2 oh it makes sense!
Ben Tossell
The story here is pretty cool. @shanemac wanted an app to remember people he met at events and just sketched it out on a napkin with @nguyenstephane - now, Remember is born!
Élie Slama
This is the kind of product that you know you need everytime you forget a name, but will the users go through all that friction just to remember people ? And if yes, how many ?
Stephane Nguyen
@elieslama the email/phone lookup is pretty cool, add a person with email, if the app finds enough info, it will show it to you! try me, with
Scott Entwistle
@elieslama @nguyenstephane I'm confused from how this differs from say, a CRM. Many of them auto-lookup all relevant data for contacts, and have the ability to set reminders. They don't have the geo notifications which is cool, but is it worth duplicating and using a completely separate app for?
Stephane Nguyen
@scawtent @elieslama Hi Scott, I wanted to keep it really simple, a lot of CRM or contact apps could be a little bit complicated to use. With Remember, we just enter a name, possibly an email. It does lookup for photos first then for more information in a scrolling/one button interface. More feature are interesting to explore: Sharing a contact with a friend, or better context: ability to add a person or a social media to add more context to a person you met. Thank you again for taking the time to write your feedback!
Shane Mac
@nguyenstephane @scawtent @elieslama I promise you, most people don't want nor use a CRM.
Reggie Cole
@nguyenstephane This reminds me of the Evernote Hello app. Unfortunately, Evernote decided to let it go. I really enjoyed the app as did other people I met and told about it. I look forward to trying this out. The Hello app got somethings right. I hope you can utilize some of it's features.
Stephane Nguyen
@pixelenglish Hi Reggie, I am glad I can take a stab at re-candling that flame! let me know what you think I would love to hear your feedback!
Reggie Cole
@nguyenstephane Can I use the app without Facebook? My wife and I "share" a Facebook account. So when I see sign up with Facebook only it's a door shut in my face. There is another app I wanted to try this week but can't , cause you know Facebook.
Stephane Nguyen
@pixelenglish Oh I am sorry to hear that, would a twitter login work for you?
Ray Gillenwater
Got to hear the story of how this app came to be from Shane Mac on the Work Smart podcast. Cool product Stephane and good work!
Adam Loving
Seems like there's some potential here. I have a lot of angst around remembering people's names. I'm curious to see if this makes me better at it. A couple issues: * didn’t remember location (have to keep searching for it) * auto-correct should be turned off on last name  * would be nice to do image search sooner (as soon as type name or email) so that can tap image and fill in the rest
Stephane Nguyen
@adamloving Hi Adam, Thanks for the feedback! 1. if you used/saved a location before you want it to be selected when you are near it, or at least get it in 10 pre-values? correct? 2. makes sense. 3. I need to think more about this, I would not want things to pop up as you type another field, although I could get the photo icon to change automatically. But it's hard to verify it's really the "right" person. btw, I pushed a new build which fixes a saving a person for some users. it's available here:
Adam Loving
@nguyenstephane for #1, yes correct - at least get it in the 10 values. Thanks! Will keep using it for a few days and see if it sticks.
Shane Mac
@nguyenstephane @adamloving thx for the note Adam, basically I'd just trying to get Gist back from the dead :) miss ya man
"Remember people where you met them" *mind blown* cool concept I like it. Maybe a smart watch integration /w voice....thoughts.
Stephane Nguyen
@aphects thanks! more context is coming to help you remember, maybe voice soon! you should try the email lookup it's pretty cool!
Jack Smith
it seems like a cool idea. I'd like to be able to enter an address though; not only have place lookup via foursquare (or whatever you're using). e.g. i just entered an address (e.g. 123 cole street), and it wouldn't let me use that; i had to pick random restaurants nearby or something
Stephane Nguyen
@_jacksmith hi jack custom context is coming soon
Anthony Painter
Yep, looks good. Oh wait. Not on Facebook - can't try out
Stephane Nguyen
@a12rj sorry to hear you are not on Facebook. I am thinking about integrating linkedin login later this year.
Thomas McLeod
This is basically the best feature from Humin as a standalone app. I'm in.
Sahil Chaturvedi
Any place I can sign up for the Android version (when/if it comes out)
Stephane Nguyen
@sahilc0 Hi Sahil, I will definitely let you know when Android is out!
Anthony Barba
Odd, it's not saving people I met with today and added. I see the look up and after hitting save. Nada. Reinstalled. Still nothing
Stephane Nguyen
@abarba Hi Anthony, i am happy to help, can you try to add me. Stephane and If the app does not find enough information it will just save. If you enter first and last name it will lookup just for faces.
Nikola Vukovic
@abarba I have the same problem Anthony. Nothing gets saved - even after reinstall and FB reauthorisation...
Stephane Nguyen
@vukovicnikola @abarba it seems that it comes from iPhone 6 on 9.3.2, do you mind if I add you to the private test flight beta with a new version?
Nikola Vukovic
@nguyenstephane sure you can send me a TestFlight invite. I should say - my phone was actually on 9.3.1, so your comment made me update to 9.3.2, but that didn't help :)
Stephane Nguyen
@vukovicnikola @abarba uploading a new build now, and submitting it for review
Beatrice Leung
Great idea! Just downloaded, eager to give it a try. It's going to come in handy for meetups and conferences as well.
Beatrice Leung
Added you @nguyenstephane the email search feature is very neat. Is there a way to look up the friends you've saved in the app or is that coming soon?
Stephane Nguyen
@b_wleung Hi Beatrice, Thank you! By going into "recents" you can already search people you have added. Is this what you are asking?
Kirill So
Cool stuff!
Tiang Lim Foo
Love the concept and idea. I'm currently using Evernote (via business card scanning feature), have a huge data bank within Evernote so will love to see it integrated at some point
Tiang Lim Foo
@tianglim just to add - we tried the "take your photo" approach from the first iteration of Evernote Hello, but that didn't work well. Might want to rethink that a bit. :)
Stephane Nguyen
@tianglim yes, Business card processing are never working well (not yet at least) this is why I wanted to make it a little bit more "magic" out of an email or phone
Tiang Lim Foo
@nguyenstephane contrary to that Evernote's business card scanning feature works really well actually. What works less well though is the context around the first meeting, and the recall.