Vinayak (@pseudovirtual) - product looks great. Some feedback I'd offer... when checking out the short description on PH and when clicking through to the main landing page, I assumed the product highlighted USER referral programs... like hubspot also gives users incentive to promote their product with other users. It wasn't until I clicked through to a specific program that I realized it was for their RECRUITMENT referral programs. I'm sure this is easily clarified with some added text if you agree.
Really excited to be hunting Referral Programs from the team at Drafted.
We all know referrals are the best way to hire, but there isn’t a lot of information that’s publicly available for those of us who want to have a best-in-class referral program.
Some questions I’m sure we’ve all asked–what’s the right bonus amount? Should you offer bonuses to people outside the company? What is a good referral % to aim for? How can you get more referrals without slumping on your diversity goals?
And if you’re on the other side, now you know who puts thought into their referral process. Happy hiring everyone 😀
Hey @pseudovirtual Love this. I was hoping there was going to be something like a branch metrics link generator to be able to share job listings and track applicants to monitor referrals you drive. Any plans for this?
Hey @kunalslab thanks for posting Referral Programs! After speaking with literally hundreds of companies, the same questions started popping up over and over again, so we made this free resource to help. We'd love to hear suggestions for other info you want to see on here, and are working on an anonymous survey to add even more statistics and data to the site. More here
@oa818 ReferralPrograms is simply meant to be a resource, many companies have their own portals for external referrals, but we're also building a massive referral network at Drafted where you can refer to many companies. You can check it out at :)
Took me a good few minutes before I realised that this is not a blatant copycat of, but a catalogue of *hiring* referral programs. Please make that clearer.
This is AWESOME. Thank you for sharing. Referral has become one of the most important channels for recruiting engineers. We have done extensive research & surveys about how to set up a good referral process. You can download the paper at
Hey PH fam - based on your contributions to ReferralPrograms data, we're about to release a benchmarks / insights report. 100% free of course - Check it at
We are doing an update with a 2020 survey - if you want to see more data and insights, take the survey or send it to your friendly neighborhood recruiter :)
Referred Club
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US Layoffs Explorer
US Layoffs Explorer
US Layoffs Explorer
US Layoffs Explorer
US Layoffs Explorer