Interesting idea - when I first read the tagline I thought it was a Flippa-like site but only for iOS. Just to make sure I understand - you guys are only selling apps that the Redbeard Team has completed? Or are other iOS developers able to submit their apps to be sold too? Or is that not a goal you had in mind?
@kevinguebert I'm assuming they'll be releasing apps built by themselves first to maintain high quality standards, and once they've figured out a way of QC on other peoples' submissions, then it'll become a true marketplace where other people will dev for the platform and sell on there.
@kevinguebert Thanks Kevin. Yes it's apps developed only by the Redbeard Team at this stage. We've noticed sites that open up to all developers tend to invariably have a real issue with quality and so we'd like to avoid that. We'll have Apps covering a wide category (Social, eCommerce etc) and as long as we're maintaining a good standard I think our customers should have plenty of choice. Btw can I ask what language you would have preferred (Obj-C/Swift) ? We're trying to get a sense of where we should concentrate our efforts.
@ansar That makes complete sense - some people have different patterns, ideas, and development abilities such that it could diminish the quality of what you're offering. Also, if you build your own apps to sell them, if a user buys one of them, uses it, has a positive experience, they would be more likely to buy another because they would already be familiar with your style and how your products work.
As for preferred language - Swift is definitely preferred. Any new project I/the team works on is assumed to be in Swift unless there is a very very solid reason to use Obj-C. The only reason you may need to know Obj-C is doing support or being put on an older application. But, that's just my humble opinion ☺️
@kevinguebert Thanks for the feedback!. My thoughts exactly. And yep this was what we were thinking Re: Swift but just want to be sure we're not going to be excluding a large portion of users if we go Swift only.
Hi All, Maker/Co-Founder here.
Thanks for the Feature @producthunt !!!
We released our Native iOS development framework a few months ago right here on Product Hunt and we had an awesome response with a ton of great feedback: (
Thanks to everyone who commented, got in touch and tried out the Framework.
One of the most requested features since then has been for us to provide App source code for complete end to end apps, for users to either learn with full example apps or to help jumpstart their projects.
So today we’re announcing the Redbeard Marketplace as a place where customers can purchase complete end to end native (Obj-C/Swift) apps developed exclusively by the Redbeard Team. We’ll have clones of some of the biggest brands out there so you get to know how an App like Twitter is developed for example.
We’re launching with 2 Apps, Taskeedo (Which is totally FREE) and RBnB, our AirBnB inspired clone that’s available for $149. Use code PHLAUNCH to get a huge 65% OFF the purchase price (Exclusive to the first 150 customers, so hurry!).
@dainiskanopa I think the PH iOS app is pretty slick and I'm sure a lot of new developers out there would love to know how something like this is built. It doesn't necessarily mean they want to launch a competitor but just something that has similar User Experience/ UI. When we were first starting out with iOS dev a long time ago we were always on the hunt for great end to end examples that could help us learn quicker.
@bentossell Hi Ben. We're aiming to try and add a new App every 4-6 weeks. Right now we're trying to get a feel for whether there's any demand moving forward with Objective-C or if we should just concentrate all our efforts on Swift only (It's very time consuming having to write each app twice). So it's a decision we're hoping the community can help us with.
Calling it a Marketplace because we'd like to keep the option open for longterm of allowing 3rd party devs to sell their source here. Though we want to maintain the highest quality and so right now we're doing everything in-house with our own team.
@ansar@bentossell You should also gauge demand for React Native apps. I'd recommend you throw something up there and collect emails for those interested.
Great idea guys! Creating a marketplace of starting projects out of your framework is a brilliant way for monetization :)
I would also add a "contact list" of developers that can help non tech guys going on with development, as @steveraffner suggested.
Plus, about the "Help Us Decide", I really like it and I would add some sort of app by which your customers can create revenues :)
Are you also offering sort of backoffice/backend for the one that want to buy an app?
@ansar I mean sort of backoffice directly connected with the app eg using an api platform :)
This way your customer not only will have the app, but also some backend functionalities to handle data inside the app.
We are working on something like that for ecommerce, but only on a backend/backoffice level :)
@kevinguebert@khalil_leo@steveraffner@thebliz would love to hear your thoughts on:
1 - Is our price point fair
2 - Is the proposition something you yourself would purchase
honest feedback welcome :)
1 - is a bit hard to evaluate price model since only one app has it.
For the AirBnb clone I personally believe that is a cheap price, but as I stated in my previous comment a user would have an easy onboarding with a backend that allow to manage data :)
2 - I find the proposition useful, and I would use it instead of starting from scratch if I see that the quality of the code is good and is easy to maintain/modify. Still main problem would be that I need to connect a way to manage the data :)
Conclusion: I really like the idea and I would use it paying for it, but right now I think there is a data management issue.
I'd like the idea to test our api inside your framework, it's just a problem of lack of time right now ;)
@zahid I am an idea guy - I often need to develop working MVP apps but the price barrier to develop them is killing most of my dreams. Having good devs using a great framework doing my MVP for less than 500$ would be a killer offer at my opinion.
Who is the target customer? Anyone with the right tech skills will probably not be interested as its too bespoke to save much time. And if someone doesn't have the tech skills then them buying the source code is essentially useless.
@allany888 Hi Allan, Thanks for your feedback. I think as we grow our catalogue it becomes more appealing to many out there, as others here have mentioned sites such as themeforest which seem like a good example of choice allowing it to fit your circumstance. Developers that are new to iOS really like the idea of having a codebase of real world apps out there that they can play with and understand structures and architecture. The RBnB codebase for example doesn't need to be used just for developing an AirBnB type app. Any two sided market will follow a similar flow.
Development agencies would find apps such as that a good boost. Our downloads today certainly seem to be showing this as well.
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