Antoine Plu

Redacted - Quick and easy to redact parts of an image


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Sam Soffes
Redacted is a little side project I've been working on. I'd love to answer any questions! Redacted makes it quick and easy to redact parts of an image. Hide sensitive details of an image by simply clicking and dragging. Here's a video demo if you're curious:
Thanks for posting @antoineplu!
jack rometty
@antoineplu I hope that releasing a short intro video w/ the product becomes the standard of PH.
Ryan Hoover
Well done, @soffes. Where'd the idea for this come from?
Sam Soffes
@rrhoover I posted an itinerary for a trip to Twitter recently. I had to open Photoshop to blur out all of our confirmation numbers, etc. It's silly how long it takes to do that in Photoshop. I decided to make something to make it quick to redact part of an image anyone can use :)
Zane Pickett
@rrhoover @soffes I feel as I should point at that the blurred parts of this images shouldn't be considered removed or secured. For the manual process of reproducing the hidden data please read:
Adam Benayoun
@rrhoover @soffes Opening photoshop is so taxing :-) Kudos for launching redacted - much needed to solve that little stingy every day pain.
𝔏aurent 𝔇el ℜey
I've been using Skitch ( to do this kind of stuff. Whatcha think @samsoffes?
Dan Hough
I love it! Solves a specific problem with great ease, for a good price. *This* is the long tail economy in action! Well done :)
Blaine Hatab
At first I thought this was a tool to replace images so you could make fake ids. The actual functionality is cool too.
Aubrey Johnson
I use Sketch to do this now, which is equally time consuming. Stoked to have this little app in my workflow. Thanks @soffes!
Andy Keil
@soffes @aub Yep, just grabbed it.
Antoine Plu
I was always wondering how to pixelate some parts of an image like the Company name to post it on Dribbble. And here is it! Nice work @soffes ;)
Rob Williger
Perfect timing, was just telling my wife I need to find something to redact part of photos about an hour ago. Can't wait to give this a try.
Christopher Davis
I love this.
Ross Fishkind
Great idea, super useful! Will you be supporting other types of files, such as PDFs, in the future?
Sam Soffes
@rossfishkind I'd definitely like to do it. Removing the original data would be pretty tricky though. I'll save that for down the road.
Zack Shapiro
Nice work @soffes! Congrats on the release!
Joshua Decker
Very cool! I will definitely use this. Great work by Sam as usual.
Daryl Ginn
Great idea. I love the simplicity.
Sterling Toth
I love how simple this is
Chris Duell
I've always used Skitch by Evernote for this, it's always been quick enough for me. Not sure I'd pay $5 for the privilege myself, but best of luck with it!
Sam Soffes
@duellsy totally fair. thanks!
dennis hegstad
what image/file extensions does it support? love how simple it is, can't wait to test it out! good stuff @soffes
Sam Soffes
@dennishegstad it should work on any image Preview can open!
great stuff. Windows and iOS version pls :)
Sam Soffes
@theafricannerd iOS for sure. Don't count on Windows :)
Andy Keil
Just found a need. Purchased.
Ryan Hoover
I'm a year late but I finally bought this, @soffes. Love it. 😊
Sam Soffes
@rrhoover Thanks Ryan! ❤️