Akshay Gautam / MOJO

Reboot Conference - A startup conference for failed startup founders

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Akshay Gautam / MOJO
Hi Hunters, We are organisers of Reboot (www.rebootconf.com) - a unique conference in India that put the entrepreneur first. Its an event of the entrepreneurs, by the entrepreneurs and for the entrepreneurs. Failure is bad. No one really works to fail, but if you’re an entrepreneur slogging away at your business, there is a high chance that you’ve encountered the dreaded F-word. In India, its even worse because failure is looked down upon Failure is hard. But its also an essential part of what makes you an entrepreneur. It make you learn from your mistakes and move on. At RebootConf, we’re not just embracing failure, we’re celebrating it. We’re inviting 30 entrepreneurs across our chosen themes for a one day event, to talk about their mistakes & failures. Come join us and see the difference! Cheers Akshay & Dipankar