We celebrate the 50th episode of the show with Eric Chevalier (@ekchevalier), @VRScout CEO & Co-founder - a fun conversation about the past few years of the VR/AR industry, a lookback of 2016, the who and the why behind VRScout, the importance of content to VR/AR and the unique role of Los Angeles, a retrospective of favorite moments of innovation, advice to creators, and a look to what lies ahead for the industry - http://vrscout.com/
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The Real Virtual Show is a talk show focused on all things mixed reality. We have epic conversations with leaders in the exciting virtual and augmented reality space. Catch us on iTunes: http://bit.ly/RVSiTunes or stream on Google Play Music http://bit.ly/RVSGoogle or any podcast directory: http://bit.ly/RVSrssfeed
Where real people talk about virtual and augmented reality #RealVirtual
Real Virtual Show - Ep. 4 Video Games to Virtual Reality w/ Daniel Dilallo, iTunes @ http://bit.ly/RVSiTunes
Robot Nature
The @VRScout Report Ep. 16: Weekly VR/AR News Wrapup