We chat with Tipatat Chennavasin (@Tipatat), co-founder and general partner of the Venture Reality Fund (@TheVRFund), about the state of the augmented reality industry and dive into Tipatat’s excellent industry overview infographic: the Augmented Reality Landscape. We talk about the VR Fund and their AR portfolio, VR “vs.” AR, trends over the last year, what needs to happen to advance the industry, and what to watch out for in 2017 - TO SEE THE AR LANDSCAPE INFOGRAPHIC GO TO 'RESOURCES' TAB: http://www.thevrfund.com/
Also check out Tipatat’s own site, where you can find his amazing virtual reality artwork: http://tipatat.com/
Check out our first interview with Tipatat in Episode 28: http://www.realvirtualshow.com/p...
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The Real Virtual Show is a talk show focused on all things mixed reality. We have epic conversations with leaders in the exciting virtual and augmented reality space. Catch us on iTunes: http://bit.ly/RVSiTunes or stream on Google Play Music http://bit.ly/RVSGoogle or any podcast directory: http://bit.ly/RVSrssfeed
Where real people talk about virtual and augmented reality #RealVirtual
For some reason the AR Landscape image isn't being displayed properly - you can find at the 'Resources' tab on the Venture Reality Fund's website: http://www.thevrfund.com/
Real Virtual Show - Ep. 4 Video Games to Virtual Reality w/ Daniel Dilallo, iTunes @ http://bit.ly/RVSiTunes
Real Virtual Show - Ep. 4 Video Games to Virtual Reality w/ Daniel Dilallo, iTunes @ http://bit.ly/RVSiTunes