Gregory Koberger

ReadMe Build - Build, deploy and share APIs & microservices easily 🚀

We think APIs are too complicated. So, we wanted to take only what we love about APIs, and get rid of everything else!

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Gregory Koberger
Hey! At ReadMe, we believe a few things about APIs: 1/ 📘 The best APIs are very closely integrated with the documentation 2/ 💡 APIs should be really simple 3/ ⚒ APIs don't need to be consumed via code... Slack, Google Sheets, IFTTT, etc So, we turn this into a product! Our goal with ReadMe Build was to make it as simple as humanly possible to create, deploy and share APIs. Creating an API is as easy as: $ npm install api -g $ api init $ api deploy And consuming them is even easier! Here's an (admittedly contrived) example: Let us know what you think!
Yvo Schaap
@gkoberger Congrats. Great idea. It all also feels very polished. How long have you been working on this? Are there any production APIs launched?
Mike Coutermarsh
@gkoberger Is this deploying the API to Lambda?
Gregory Koberger
@mscccc yup! under the hood, it's a really nice wrapper around Lambda. In the future, we'll be more platform agnostic (meaning, we'll deploy to Lambda/Google Functions/etc, and route requests to avoid downtime)
Mike Coutermarsh
@gkoberger awesome. I think it would be helpful if there were a few more examples in the docs. Such as - connecting to a database / another service (I'm guessing is the same as using lambda). Other feedback: Deploying through Readme feels "risky" to me. Seems too black box Vs deploying straight to lamba and "owning" it. I do think having Readme be able to auto document existing Lambda functions would be really interesting though.
Gregory Koberger
@mscccc good point on more examples... coming soon! As for deploying... For people who want control, deploying straight to Lambda is still an option! But for most people, I think they want it to "just work." Kind of like Heroku: you give up control, sure, but in return everything is simple and works well and you just have to worry about writing the code. For example, here's some features of Build: * Versioning is done automatically. If a customer uses v1.0.0, and v1.0.1 is released, they customer stays on v1.0.0 (meaning no breaking changes) until it's deprecated. * Extensive logging, including the ability to attach logs to Issues (so the creator can see what's wrong) * Rate limiting, API keys, and stuff like that are taken care of * Consuming is really easy and standardized. We bought "api" package/gem/etc in most languages, so there's no need to worry about URLs. Your APIs just work. There's a ton more, but those are an overview of some of the cool features you get from Build that wouldn't be possible (without extensive work) if you were deploying directly to Lambda. We don't see ourselves as a host, but rather a documentation/UI company. If you try consuming an API (for example,, you'll see nice of an experience it is!
Tiffany Zhong
this is so dope. and your team rocks
Ted Blosser
great enhancement @gkoberger!! Happy to be customers of Readme @ WorkRamp and also when we were at Box!
Kyle Lamy
Based on the FAQs, it sounded like I would be able to create a team and add team members under the free plan. I don't seem to have that ability. It this a known issue or do you have to be on a paid plan to add team members?
Chris Lee Jacob
Hi @faraaznishtar, @marccuva, @ashmchang, @yiantseng, @domharrington, @gkoberger, congrats on your launch anniversary for ReadMe Build 🎉 What are your highlights from the past year? Epic Wins 🏆 1. 2. 3. Epic Fails 💩 1. 2. 3. What advice would you give to founders launching today? (...or yourself a year ago 🤔) What's the next year look like for ReadMe Build? 🚀
Nazar Atamaniuk
I will try it!
Nice product