David Shim

Read Highlights - Read AI reduces meetings to two minute video highlights


Read Highlights take a 60-minute Zoom and condenses it down to a 2-minute video highlight reel using AI.

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David Shim
What’s more boring than an hour-long meeting? A recording of an hour-long meeting. Using a multi-modal approach to meetings, Read is able to transform a recording of 60-minute meeting on Zoom into a 2-minute video highlight reel, or a 30 second trailer. It’s like watching ESPN, where instead of replaying an entire baseball game, you get the most important moments condensed into a short clip. Movie studios use test screenings to understand what moments were the most and least compelling to an audience and use that information to build a trailer,” said Shim. “Read uses AI to measure reactions from meeting participants to highlight the most and least important moments in a meeting to generate Read Highlights. Words without reactions are like sitcoms without a laugh track, or books with narration.
David Shim
@carter_wang It would be great to be included in the directory!