Salim Dabanca

Re-learn UI Design (eBook) - It's a learning tool for making you a Master UI Designer.

If you can’t design beautiful UI’s after you completed the ebook, I will give your money back!

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Salim Dabanca
What exactly you will get? You will learn all UI Design practices to create beautiful user interfaces. (20+ chapters) You will learn my 13+ years of design experience-based tips, and tricks. You will get all the Figma design files that the book teaches. (Ready-to-edit) [BONUS] You will learn 10 amazing Photoshop tricks to create visually stunning UI's. (Photoshop Files included) [BONUS] You will get my favorite 10 free fonts. (Best Free Fonts) [BONUS] You will get all the Design Resources List. (80+ websites) Who is this ebook for? UX UI Designers (Junior's, Mid-level, Senior's) Developers (who want to get design skills) People from career changings (from any job) Product Designers who want to level-up their UI skills. Frequently Asked Questions 1. What makes your ebook different? It is bull-shit free! I collected all my 13+ years of UI Design experiences into this ebook. Don't compare with 3 years of experienced designers. Check My Website 2. What files exactly I will get? Re-learn UI Design (.PDF) 10 Photoshop Tricks (.PDF + Photoshop Files) 10 Free Fonts (10x .TTF Font Files) 80 Design Resources (.PDF) 3. When will you publish all files? I'm currently writing the content. I'll launch all files in July. Follow my stories on Instagram, I share daily updates there. 4. What If I don't pre-order now? Pre-orders will be for a limited time. After I publish all files, the price will be $49.90. Also, you will be supporting my business by pre-ordering! 5. How can I ask you questions? I'm 24/7 online on Instagram, Send me DM. Also, you can send email to