I've been advising Quo here in Cleveland, and it's quickly become one of the "rising startups" in town, as they've built something that actually helps people. In fact, I've been most excited about Quo's potential because it solves a problem that nearly everyone goes through as soon as they enter "The Real World" -- finding the right apartment.
Quo isn't just an "apartment search tool." It's a true concierge. There's actually a real, live person that understands what's important to you in a neighborhood and uses what they know about the area to make specific recommendations tailored to you.
And they handle everything, right down to getting you not only custom-tailored recommendations within 24 hours, but they also go as far as setting up the viewings for you. You just show up and make the call on whether it's a place you'd love to live.
Quo got started in my hometown of Cleveland, but is already quickly expanding. You'll soon see them in places like Austin, Chicago, New York, and elsewhere.
Check out this piece that an NBC news affiliate did about Quo: http://www.wkyc.com/story/money/...
What do you use for the business model? Payment upon signup? Or payment upon success. Payment upon a users success may be a good idea. Than you can guarantee customer satisfaction before any payment is made.
Also this idea just dawned on me and I'm not sure of the validity of it but perhaps you can provide some insight...why not do something like a marketplace that matches people who want to be concierge with people looking for a place that way the company owns no assets and can scale quickly (think uber, airbnb, instacart)
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