Aleš Oskar Kocur - Ready-to-use quiz decks for your next social event

Collection of ready-to-use quiz decks for your next company social event or friends get-together. Ranges from a full 6-round pub quiz to short 10 questions decks to play at the end of your next team meeting.

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Aleš Oskar Kocur
One thing I really enjoyed while working at my previous company was the weekly short quizzes after the team meeting. And more than actually participating in them I enjoyed making them. Over time I collected a lot of original ideas for quizzes, and I decided to make them available to anyone. This way even you can become a quiz master within a few clicks with original visual quizzes (not just a bunch of boring questions!) without spending hours making them. 😎💪
Karis Balôck
@kafejome Hi and congratulations for this project! is it possible to customize the quizzes?
Aleš Oskar Kocur
@eve_angelique definitely! There are both PDF and PPTX options. :)