Dilpreet Singh

Proltify β€” A vault for your product resources

You work on a lot of products and during each product's pre-release lifecycle, you create or collect a lot of resources.
Proltify can manage those resources and will provide you a one-stop place to access them.

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Dilpreet Singh
Hello everyone! πŸ‘‹ Today I am very excited to introduce Proltify. Let me ask you, how do you manage your product's resources? - Does it become impossible to find a resource on your cluttered desktop? - Did you bookmark an important link but now, unable to find it? - Do a global or channel search on slack to find something important and spending 15 minutes finding it? - Do you also move your resources manually after the release? πŸ™ πŸ’‘ Proltify helps solve all these problems. πŸ“¦ Proltify will create a vault for each product you create, then whenever you add a new resource to say a desktop, it will move those resources to your products vault when you `Flush` them. πŸ—’ Save a note or a link using our shortcut to the current vault. πŸ” Search a note, link, or any resource for one product or across all vaulted products with clear boundaries between them. πŸ“ Want to access your vault? You will see a Proltify folder on your desktop, it will contain all your products resources organized into Images, Videos, and Resources folder. Would love to hear your comments, feedback and suggestions.