TheVentureCity's VC Benchmark report is live today! Check it out for an in-depth review of all the notable #VC activity in Q1 across the US, Europe, and LatAm.
Thank you for reading our VC Benchmark report for Q1! We hope you found the insights as helpful as we did while putting this together. TheVentureCity prides itself on empowering our community of founders and investors with the right insights to make informed decisions in today's fundraising climate. We believe this quarter's VC Benchmark does just that given we are living during a unique period for early-stage tech! Please reach out to us on Twitter or LinkedIn if you have any questions or would like to connect!
The industry was missing a way to compare different ecosystems evolution not just from the financial stand point but from the opportunity ahead of them. From both the Founder and the Investor perspective, this report that was born in the middle of the pandemic, every quarter shows a good mix of data point + a good mix of what we are seeing on the ground. Would love to get people's thoughts around how to make it even more relevant!
@oliver_henry_ Personally, I felt like Q1 was a huge rollercoaster so I'm surprised the numbers aren't as bad as I expected them to be. Thanks for the insight. It is good to see reports that feature other regions besides US + EU. Thanks on shedding some light on the growth of VC in Latin America. Hands down great job.
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