Martin Eriksson

Customer Feedback Portal - User feedback you can link straight to your backlog

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Janna Bastow
Top Product
Hey Product Hunters! Great to see our Customer Feedback Portal on here. I’m the co-founder of ProdPad (a tool for managing your roadmap and backlog), where we noticed that existing customer feedback tools weren’t cutting it for product managers and their teams. Product people aren’t comfortable with voting systems and public forums - it sucks to have your dirty laundry aired and it sucks to feel pressured into building certain features because it’s been voted up. Feedback is obviously super helpful for making product decisions, but you’re not running a democracy here. ;) So our tool lets you can capture general user feedback - but the real draw is that you can open up a handful of ideas from your product backlog and collect specific feedback on those ideas too. It’s a customer feedback tool the way product managers want it. :) Happy to answer all your questions as they come in!
Vikash Rungta
Sounds like interesting product. We surely can use it. Worried about product being taken down due to lack of revenue. What is your long term sustainability plan?
Janna Bastow
Top Product
@vrungta Hey, no need to worry about this being taken down or lacking sustainability! We already have hundreds of customers paying for the full version of ProdPad, which was launched in 2013. Our core product allows for roadmapping, idea management, mockup and spec collaboration, tight integrations with tools like JIRA, Trello, Slack, etc., and more. This Customer Feedback Portal is a new module that can be used as a standalone product for free, and includes a simplified version of ProdPad's product management tools (just the feedback and idea management). So jump in and give it a try! We look forward to hearing your feedback as you try it out.
Ankit Talwar
@simplybastow Would love it if you can turn this tool into a bot one day where customers are giving feedback as if they were messaging. Less corporate more informal can build trust over time.
Janna Bastow
Top Product
@ankit_t_ Great idea! I just added this as feedback into our own backlog, so I'll let you know if this is something we move forward on. I'm seeing so many cool things coming out of bot/messaging style apps, so I could definitely see this being useful at some point. Thanks for the feedback!
John Peltier
Interesting concept. I do like the fact that it allows direct feedback without revealing what others voted for. Looks like it could be challenging to handle lots of duplicate suggestions and, more challenging, feedback with multiple ideas in it that need to be broken apart. Thoughts on what happens after data starts coming in?
Janna Bastow
Top Product
@johnpeltier Thanks for your support! Once feedback is submitted, it goes into an admin area that's built to handle all of the feedback snippets from your customers. The feedback can be linked to ideas in various ways - sometimes you'll have a bunch of customers asking for the same sort of thing, so they are linked to the idea which then ranks highly for 'Customer Desire' in the admin area; and sometimes one customer might be asking for a number of different things. You can view feedback as a list, grouped by customer, or look at the resulting ideas and where they sit in the pipeline. The ideas can then be fleshed out into more detailed specs, such as giving them Impact and Effort scores, tagging them and linking them to User Personas, and providing a business case to outline exactly what problem you're solving for your customers.
Janna Bastow
Top Product
@johnpeltier Good call, making one myself! ☕ Yep, you've got it: Feedback is what your customers are asking for (a feature they're requesting, or a problem they are asking to solve), while ideas are the resulting features/specs that are meant to improve the product and solve their problems.
Steve Burgess
Greaat! Already have it running and it is becoming invaluable.
Hm. Not bad actually. Plus, you can select positive feedback for testimonials, and settled qualms as examples of your service when things go wrong. Nice! @prodpad @bfgmartin
Janna Bastow
Top Product
@elizabethhunker @bfgmartin Yeah, that's a really good use of it! *scribbles down notes for self*
Steven Renwick
Looks nice. Do I insert code in to a webpage on my site for this or do you host it?
Janna Bastow
Top Product
@major_grooves Thanks! It gives you a standalone link (that we host) you can send customers to directly, plus a snippet of code you can install on your homepage and inside your app to gather feedback right on the page.
Jamie Edwards
Really fascinating proposition. Would love to hear the story behind (and the results of!) turning this great feature into a free-to-use gateway. Well done! @Kayako will be evaluating
Janna Bastow
Top Product
@jmedwards It'll be awesome to have you and the @kayako team on board! Yeah, we'll definitely be writing about how we ended up building the Customer Feedback Portal, as well as what came out of this mini-launch 😎
Kumy Veluppillai
seems @jmedwards is hot on his PH! Nailed the problem of voting based forums...suffered through the guilt in a previous life of having annoyed customers who aren't getting what they ask for.
Joost Schuur
@simplybastow Can you elaborate on the 100% free forever part and how that ties into ProdPad? Can I use this without a paid ProdPad account then? I just tried signing up with my expired ProdPad trial and it didn't like that. When I log into that account, I see the customer feedback sidebar section, but no clear way to activate any of the functionality within Looking forward to checking it out! Great timing!
Janna Bastow
Top Product
@joostschuur Yep, it's definitely 100% free. The way we've done it is to create this additional module that just does the feedback collection, the idea management, and the linking feedback to ideas. In behind it is a simple version of ProdPad that doesn't have all of the roadmapping and other features that we have in the 'full' version of ProdPad. In this way, we can continue to offer the feedback collection/management part of ProdPad for free, while offering anyone who wants to expand to do roadmapping as well as an easy upgrade option. Sorry you got stuck! Turns out, you've got an existing account that you trialled some time ago, which is why it's telling you that your trial is expired. Fortunately, there's an easy way to get back into the account and either start your free version or restart your trial of the full version: - Log in and click Subscribe in the header, which opens the subscription modal. - In the plans/pricing dropdown, select the Free plan, and then submit it to save the changes. You'll then be on the forever free version, where you can use the portal and start collecting feedback and showing off some of your ideas. If you then want to try the full version of ProdPad to get some of your ideas on a roadmap, just click the 'Try now' button in the header and it'll get you started on a free trial. I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any trouble getting in at all.
Joost Schuur
@simplybastow Thanks. @dreasaez sorted me out when I ran into a few more problems, but I got everything working to try out.
Janna Bastow
Top Product
@joostschuur @dreasaez Good to hear, and welcome back to ProdPad :)
Stefan Pretty
Awesome! Looks like this could really simplify building these things internally. Does it play well or at all with intercom? What's the difference between us creating auto messages in intercom and then just compiling the feedback into spreadsheets?
Janna Bastow
Top Product
@stefanpretty Yeah, one of our customers has already hooked up a basic feedback link in their intercom set up: Certainly easier than managing the feedback in a spreadsheet! We're also open to any other suggestions on how you'd like to use it alongside Intercom out other tools. We have an API available plus an integration with Zapier that could be used in a bunch of other ways... And of course we are always keeping our eye out for improvements we could make to integrate ProdPad with other tools and day-to-day processes. Let us know how you end up using it! :)
Steven Renwick
So is this feature a bit like GetSatisfaction? They used to have a reasonable price plan and lots of users then they got a new CEO and suddenly increased the cost something like 10x. There might be a big market to pick up the people that don't want to pay for GS any more. I presume this is really just leaden for ProdPad then?
Janna Bastow
Top Product
@major_grooves Yeah, I've heard their pricing is nuts now. We definitely hope to be an option for anyone who's leaving GetSatisfaction or other similar products whose prices have shot up.