Jamie Barton

Prisma Cloud - GraphQL database platform

Prisma Cloud is a GraphQL-based database platform and is the easiest way to run Prisma in production.

- Serverless cluster hosting

- Powerful data browser to explore and edit data

- Team collaboration

- Metrics & database insights

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Johannes Schickling
Hi everyone 👋 After months of hard work and careful testing with hundreds of beta users (a big thanks to everyone!), we couldn’t be more excited to officially launch Prisma Cloud! Prisma Cloud is a GraphQL-based database platform and is the easiest way to run Prisma in production. The features include: - Serverless cluster hosting - Powerful data browser to explore and edit data - Team collaboration - Metrics & database insights Here is our announcement blog post: https://blog.graph.cool/introduc... (For those of you who are new to Prisma: Prisma turns your database into a GraphQL API therefore making building GraphQL servers super easy. You can learn more here: https://www.prismagraphql.com) Please let us know if you have any questions. More than happy to help!
Top Product
@_schickling congrats guys! tons of hard work into this.
Jamie Barton
I've been lucky enough to use Prisma Cloud for a few weeks now in BETA along with GraphQL Yoga and all of the other Graphcool/Prisma tools and it's a thing of beauty. All the best to the Prisma team on launch day!
Johannes Schickling
@notrab Thanks a lot for hunting us, Jamie. Really glad you're enjoying Prisma Cloud so far!
Jamie Halvorson
I've been using Prisma Cloud for a few weeks as part of the beta and it's such a breath of fresh air, making developing, deploying and managing applications easy. I'm currently the sole-developer on a project that covers Web, iOS and Android with complex features such as tracking, payment processing, user accounts etc. Prisma has been flexible and reliable, whilst providing a solid base to build upon. Out of the box you get a local container for local development and single command deployments to the cloud. Personally I've hooked up Aurora as the DB and it couldn't have been easier. I was a fan of GraphCool's Framework before but I'm a bigger fan of Prisma and the Prisma Cloud. Where the Framework locked you in slightly into a more opinionated way of doing things, Prisma opens the doors necessary for you to build a reliable application that will scale. The work that GraphCool are doing is making a massive dent in the GraphQL landscape and community, keep it up!
Johannes Schickling
@jamiehalvorson Thanks a lot, Jamie! I'm excited to hear you're making fast progressing building your project. Let us know if you need any help! 🙌
Divyendu Singh

Having taken a couple of services to production with self-hosted Prisma on AWS, I was waiting for it to officially release. I had a lucky chance to use this in beta for a few weeks and I can vouch for this product.

Prisma cloud adds a lot of features on top of the Prisma database API layer

like monitoring and data exploration that makes taking it to production even easier.

What I love about Prisma (the DB API layer) is that it is truly tech first with most of the core design decisions happening on Github, one can quickly understand where the whole project is going.

Another amazing thing about Prisma is that it programming language and technology agnostic, and unlike other platforms there is no vendor lock.

Lastly, a feature that I would want in Prisma cloud is a serverless application server (currently, we build it with technologies like graphql-yoga and host it with maybe zeit's now or on AWS) BUT I can totally see a future where Prisma cloud and become a headless product platform (not just a headless CMS) where you have the availability of various templates to start from and you could build your business on top of it without having to manage any infrastructure.


Provides a powerful cloud layer on top of Prisma

- Serverless hosting

- Data browser/editor

- Production metrics


Nothing worth mentioning

Rex Raphael
Yeah and you didn't mention all it takes to deploy is "prisma deploy" in a cmd of choice. Its so painless
Marc Seitz
Hi everyone, I've been using Prisma Cloud for a few weeks and before that have used Graphcool (same team) since 2016 and avidly following the development of GraphQL services and infrastructure. And if anyone can solve the infrastructure challenges its the team from Prisma. For the first time, a massive problem in enterprise software development is solved elegantly. Enterprise systems of Fortune500 companies run on decade-old on-prem solutions. So moving to the cloud is a really big step for them. Helping them ease their way to becoming digital while giving the enterprises sovereignty over their database (what they're all afraid of anyways) and connecting it with Prisma to take advantage of cloud-enabled solutions really makes a big difference in the adoption. Ok I hope this made sense to anyone reading... anyways TLR: enterprise solutions suck and are old, Prisma's technology helps enterprises become more flexible and enable new options regarding cloud services. 🔥 Congrats and all the success for your launch, @_schickling and Prisma team
Patrick v R

Have been using Prisma and Prisma Cloud for a production ready product. Very happy about the simplicity, testability and maintainability of the code. Haven't gotten to the scalability part yet, but it's very promising as well!


GraphQL is THE replacement for REST API's, but it's hard to do it right. Prisma Cloud makes development life so much easier!


Prisma is a startup! #startuplife. But for a startup, their Slack support is awesome!

Søren Bramer Schmidt
Thank you Patrick! Enabling developers to write maintainable declarative code in their API layer is one of the main goals of Prisma, so I am happy that you are highlighting that aspect. We like to think about Prisma having a similar impact on backend development as React had on frontend development :-)
Rex Raphael
One can clearly attribute the Power of Prisma after of implementing a Graphql server and writing query revolvers the traditional way and moving to Prisma the first time. And not to mention the cross database integration that's coming soon. Awesome piece of art
It's been great following Graphcool's journey over the past year. I've loved working with the early Graphcool backend solutions and first impressions of Prisma are exactly as good. I like not having to worry about managing my own databases for hobby projects, yet retaining the ability to scale the backend when I need to.
Manjula Dube

Prisma Cloud is the easiest way to use Prisma in production without thinking about infrastructure


You dont have to think about infrastructure anymore...Just go and deploy.


Not the one I can think of any

Ericson Luciano
Congrats Grahpcool team :) i'm one of user of prisma cloud and i can say this is awesome. 🙌🏻
Søren Bramer Schmidt
Thank you @ericsonluciano! It has been a great help to receive your feedback during the preview period :-)
Sungho Yahng
What does this service compare to 'scaphold'?
Søren Bramer Schmidt
Hi Sungho! Scaphold is more similar to the Graphcool Framework. See https://www.graph.cool/. It is my understanding that scaphold is in maintenance mode and will be shut down in the future, so I would advice against using it. So let me explain what Graphcool Framework is and how Prisma is different :-) Graphcool Framework is a complete backend as a service that enable you to create a database, configure permissions and write business logic that is deployed to serverless functions. Prisma is an evolution of Graphcool Framework that focuses exclusively on the database aspect and brings many advancements compared to Graphcool. It is typically used in combination with graphql-yoga to build a fully fledged GraphQL server. You can read some of the reviews here on PH to get a feeling for some of the benefits Prisma brings. Hope that helps!
Sungho Yahng
@sorenbs Thank you for answer. Can I hear why you think this is so? 'It is my understanding that scaphold is in maintenance mode and will be shut down in the future'
Brandon Bayer
Congrats!! What does the migration path look like from Graphcool cloud (I’m a graphcool customer)? I’m interested in migrating but don’t know where to start or what the changes are. Thanks!
@beedesignllc I think you're perfectly fine to continue using Graphcool, but feel free to read this for knowing the difference! https://www.graph.cool/forum/t/g...
Søren Bramer Schmidt
Hi Brandon! As Mohammad points out, you can continue to use Graphcool Framework for as long as you like. That being said, there are many benefits to Prisma, so I would suggest at least giving it a try to see if you would benefitting from migrating. The first thing to note is that the generated GraphQL API has been significantly improved. This means you will have to make small adjustments to most of your mutations and queries. The more significant change is that Graphcool Framework has build in constructs for business logic and authorisation. Prisma focuses exclusively on the connection between database and backend application. We have created some nifty open source libraries to bring a lot of the same out-of-the-box experience you know from Graphcool Framework to normal GraphQL backend development with Prisma, including GraphQL Bindings that provide smart schema stitching and auto-complete in your editor as seen in the video on https://www.prismagraphql.com/ Hope this helps you get an overview! Prisma should be very familiar to anyone coming from Graphcool, so I'd encourage you to just set aside half an hour to migrate your SDL and deploy your first Prisma service :-)

I used Prisma cloud for 3 weeks and was amazed how good it is. I participated in beta and was satisfied how good support Graphcool provides for Prisma cloud. UI of prisma cloud is super easy to grasp even for not technical users. Everything is included and you don't need to take care of your prisma instance.


Cloud provides you with metrics of usage and data browser for better data visualization. No need for your own server to run prisma.


I couldn't find any yet

Alex Alexeev

I used their service starting from graphcool and I liked the direction they followed from then - open sourcing things and provide more controlled developer experience. Heads up!


To me it is kinda the best approach to setup a new project that needs a DB, period


see none:)


Few things that would be pretty helpful (feature requests)

- Inbuilt support for authorization(roles/permission) for users at resource level (user/actions/resource - mapping).

- Server side subscriptions are great, Not an optimal solution to build chat applications based on client side subscriptions yet. Hopefully it will improve overtime.


- Provides a great way to bootstrap your CRUD endpoints

- Flexible playground

- Data view to browse all the models in the cloud


New technology. Not really a con per say - but, interested in seeing how it would scale with data.

Fabien Bernard

I have participated to the alpha/beta version, for me it's the best way to provide data to a GraphQL server (no more long queries, it's just efficient!). It's just a nice to have in every project.


Easy to start and make your life really simplier with a graphql server \o/


Young product! (but they are really reactive :) )

Flavian Desverne

Using Prisma Cloud with React and React Native can lead to multi-platform, production-ready apps within weeks.


- Quick development

- Fast iterations

- We stay completely owner of our own data

- Collaborative

- Beautiful UI


Front-end devs are about to steal our jobs.

Max Darque

I believe GraphQL is an incredibly powerful set of standards and querying language. It works really well between client and server. The hard part is building the GraphQL server.

The scope of queries and mutations can be very large and complex. How do you deal with this on the server? Do you write SQL to handle every possible combination? Do you write an SQL query for each field on a node thereby sacrificing performance?

My belief is that Prisma solves this key problem. On top of that it provides you with a powerful admin GUI and direct access to your database with GraphQL. This is a real time saver. Prisma also helps you manage the structure of your data inside your database. Big thumbs up from me.

There are a few teething issues with Prisma Cloud and it's GUI. Having used the beta and Graphcool BaaS, the Graphcool team move fast and are continually improving things.


- Solves hardest GraphQL problem between db & app

- Speeds up development of GraphQL servers

- Bring your own database

- Powerful admin GUI


- While, the Prisma software is fairly stable, Primsa Cloud has just exited beta and there are a few teething issues with the GUI

Søren Bramer Schmidt
Thanks Max - you are hitting the nail on the head! We se a future where Prisma can give you a unified GraphL API to interact with any kind of database you want. By strictly decoupling data querying from business logic we can optimise access patterns to different databases while keeping the code in your server simple and easy to maintain. We really appreciate your participation in the Prisma Cloud beta as it has helped us ironing out many of the small issues. There is a lot more to come :-D
Rex Raphael

Started using when it first became opensourced on Github. I was working with a REST framework at that that. Having heard of Graphql a year before with never really giving it time to learn. I needed a solution with flexible zigzag relationship query as I like to call it and Graphql seem like the best answer so I decided to give it a shot. I started writing graphql server and query and while it was fine the resolver API was quite something to write. ou just have sweat that part out.

I needed to work fast and get result in weeks and I heard of Graphcool gave it a shot it was awesome, but I still felt something was missing in how API to database should be written and handled.

Then 3 days time I signed back into the Graphcool slack community and there was a huge confusion as to a new service called Prisma or a rename. I treated it with the "are we ever gonna stop trying to catch up with software trends". Then I gave it a go.

And I was blown away by how simple and straight to the point the resolver API was and the typescript support with Visual Studio Code IS was amazing. It changed my perception on how to handle CRUD hooks and events, not that it was flawed but improved. You think that was all and then Prisma Cloud made deploying prisma apps effortless with one simple command, with a modern admin UI

Right now I'm using Prisma Cloud for a client a contract project. called Unizonn it's a social media for students and academia and that fused with the power of Prisma Cloud. Prisma Cloud Rocks


Power, simple and easy to understand UI/UX. Easy deployment, with powerful dashboard.



Noah Miller Davis

Prisma absolutely revolutionized the way we build products at MarketMuse. It has freed our teams from endless conversations and enabled us to just start building. Every new project I start will be using Prisma in the future and then leveraging the power of the Prisma Cloud platform to take all of the annoying work off my plate and let me focus on what my team and I do best.


Great features for my entire team to utilize Prisma outside of standard development. Prisma is just plain awesome, so more Prisma == Dreamy


Nothing has been negative in my team's experience so far.

Dennis Walsh

This is the easiest and best way to abstract the complexity of database schema and migrations when integrating a GraphQL server. I love it and am excited for the future!


Effortless Connections, Subscriptions, Queries, and Mutations

Database schema and migrations reduced to `prisma deploy`


GraphQL as a whole is still developing best practices