Automate searching the web for company data
David Watts

Local Search by Powrbot — Get local business information

Annoucing our latest product at powrbot - Local Search!
Select Country, City, Industry and get back local business information such as website, address and phone number.
A simple tool built on Google Places API data. No programming required.
David Watts
I hope you guys like our second product, a quick demo and sample data is available here: https://powrbot.com/insights/202... Unlike our other data enrichment product, we don't have a free plan unfortunately due to the API costs, but if you already have company names and want to crawl the web for data, try it out for free here https://powrbot.com/company-search/
Edward Wilson
It is really helpful to get local business information.
David Watts
@edward_wilson1 Glad it helped!