Aidan Breen

Posture Laptop Stand - Portable laptop stand from home, office and hotdesk.


The Posture Laptop Stand is designed specifically for hotdeskers - those of us who need some neck re-alignment while we work, but have to pack up and run at the end of the day! Posture is super lightweight and portable.

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Aidan Breen
Hey guys! Maker here. I designed Posture when I was suffering from back, neck and chest pain late last year. The alternatives were all either too expensive, too bulky to too low for my needs. Would love to answer any questions!
jan van iperen
@aidanbreen Really love the design and simplicity... but how is this not still too low? Do not see how this elevates laptop screen enough to come at eye level. About half the price of the better alternative, yet when it comes to ergonomics, anything under 100 bucks is totally worth it.
Aidan Breen
@ipears Hi Jan! Thanks for the feedback. I suppose it depends on two things: 1. The size of your laptop (wider laptops with bigger screens will be raised higher). 2. How tall you are, and the length of your back. For me, the top of the laptop screen is a hair below eye level. It's not ideal, but there was a balance to find between a sturdy, portable stand, and the effectiveness of the elevation of the screen. I can't say scientifically if the height is perfect, but I can say that I prototyped and tested it for months to be sure it was effective.
jan van iperen
@aidanbreen Sounds fair, compared no raise, it will yield a big improvement. Again, really like the design and hope you get some good sales!
Aidan Breen
@ipears Thanks Jan. I shipped the first one a few hours ago. It was a really sweet milestone to cross.
Kyle Stephens
Looks great and very reasonably priced. Do you ship worldwide?
Aidan Breen
@ky1e_s Hey Kyle! Yeah, we ship worldwide, for free!
Michael Leitner
Great idea, @aidanbreen, just bought one. Just one remark: Could you add the dimensions of the stand to the description? I guess that information could be useful for some customers, especially the height of the "hook", because some laptops are thicker than a regular MBP
Aidan Breen
@derfleck Hi Michael, thanks for your support! Probably should have thought of that...I'm on it.
Aidan Breen
PS for the comment readers: there's an additional €5 discount if you use the code PRODUCTHUNT at checkout!
Blake Robinson
Neat. I'll bite. My neck is ruined and I've been looking for something like this to use with my laptop when I'm mobile.
Aidan Breen
@blake Woo! I hope you enjoy using it as much as I've enjoyed designing and building it!
Amazing job on the product and website @aidanbreen. The whole experience looks so simple and elegant.
Sundar Rajagopalan

Ultimately, I'm disappointed in the product.

Not being adjustable is the biggest negative; I'd have better luck with a stack of old books. Users should know they are paying ~39 dollars for three plastic sticks.


The fact that its easy to dis assemble and carry around with you


this thing is slippery, height is not adjustable and the sharp "stand" p

plastic stick scratches my desk